City Council briefing – community turtle legislation, no public hearings

First of all, happy Veterans Day to all those who have served or are serving.

We have a Council meeting coming up this Monday and I wanted to highlight a few things. I have about 10 pieces of legislation I’m working on with the law office, and the first one to get out of the gate is one that would require “turtle-friendly” curbing within the Critical Area. In our neighborhood, Georgetown Grove, we regularly have turtles crossing the road and nesting in our front yards, and our kids have enjoyed seeing turtles of all ages and species crossing our streets and yards. This got me thinking, why don’t we do this in other neighborhoods in the City? This legislation would require that the same “rolled/rounded” curb is required for use on side roads (non-arterial) anywhere in the Critical Area (near the water).

I’ll try to get a town hall meeting scheduled for perhaps December or January, and I’ll give you a briefing on what I’m working on. I may invite someone from the County to speak on a few County projects, including the proposed work at Peninsula Park, and their new initiative to gather information on how they can make Forest Drive a safer road to travel.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 11/14/22 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 6pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

There is nothing up for a public hearing at this meeting, but you are still welcome to come testify on any subject during our general public comments section at the beginning of the meeting.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • O-52-22 - Turtle-friendly Curbs – This is legislation I’m introducing that would require “turtle-friendly” rounded/rolled curbs on non-arterial streets within the Critical area. This would apply to new construction, and require the Department of Public Works to establish a policy as far how and when to replace existing curbing. I’m introducing this because I’ve seen, especially in my neighborhood, various species and ages of turtles migrating across our streets and yards, with some even nesting in our front yards. This is made easier in our neighborhood because of the rolled curbs.
  • R-58-22 - For the purpose of amending Annapolis Police Department fees. This is just being done to address some costs incurred by the Department when it comes to fingerprinting and processing.
  • R-59-22 - Budget Process Timeline for Fiscal Year 2024 - For the purpose of approving a timeline for the Fiscal Year 2024 budget development and approval process. I’m not entirely sure I’m going to support this on first reader. We have legislation pending that will be clarifying the budget timeline when it comes to union negotiations and the Council vote on ratifying the resulting union agreement, and that would impact this Resolution.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-39-22 - Administration - Mayor - Harbormaster - For the purpose of the City of Annapolis Harbormaster reporting to the Deputy City Manager for Resiliency and Sustainability rather than the Director of Recreation and Parks; and generally related to Harbormaster duties. I’m inclined to support this effort, pending any comments from you.
  • O-41-22 - Administration - Rules of Procedure - Reading, amendment and passage of ordinances, etc. - Staff Reports - For the purpose of requiring staff reports on charter amendments, ordinances, and resolutions. This would require the aforementioned reports be attached to the legislation before the public hearing. That would allow the public and Council to have all of the relevant information from staff prior to the hearing or Council Committee meetings. Pending input from you, I am inclined to support this. I am mixed on some of the amendments, but supportive of the legislation.
  • O-46-22 - Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes. I’m inclined to support, pending any comments from you.
  • R-41-22 - Military Bowl Parade and Football Game - For the purpose of identifying the Military Bowl Parade and Football Game that will be held on December 28, 2022, as a Major Special Event; and waiving charges for certain City of Annapolis costs related to city services for that event. When this first came up for first reader, I mistakenly thought that this was a Navy-organized event and was questioning why the Navy needs us to waive fees. As it turns out, this Military Bowl operation is entirely a non-profit that benefits veterans. So, at this point, I am inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • R-57-22 - Correction in Fiscal Year 2023 Fees Schedule - For the purpose of correcting the FY 2023 Fees Schedule by reinserting a line mistakenly omitted; and generally relating to City fees. Just a technical correction. I’m inclined to support, pending any comments from you.

Community & Political updates

Annapolis and Chesapeake Bay Trust cut ribbon on watershed restoration project at Cedar Ridge


Annapolis Receives Grants Totaling $2.24 Million to Enhance and Extend Bicycle and Pedestrian Greenways    


Would you like to own a Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) in Annapolis?


Critical Home Repairs: Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund WholeHome Grant


BGE Winter readiness information


Opportunity to Serve on the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee

There is an opportunity for a resident from Ward 7 to serve as an alternate on the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee ( In addition to fulfilling duties imposed by the Annapolis City Code, the ADCC supports a strong and viable Democratic Party. If you are interested in serving, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the Central Committee.

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  • Rob Savidge