Please join us for a celebration to benefit the Sierra Club's efforts to elect an environmental majority in Maryland in 2018.
With special guest Senator Chris Van Hollen * Loren Blackford, Sierra Club President * and Sierra Club's endorsees for Anne Arundel County Council
Every four years Sierra Club spends literally thousands of hours interviewing, endorsing, and campaigning to elect environmental candidates at the city, county, and state level in Maryland. We are proud of our legacy, but in these troubling times, we know business as usual won't cut it.
In 2018 we expect to make over 200 endorsements, including here in Anne Arundel County. This cycle we've set a goal to raise $100,000 to back that endoresment with volunteers, advertizing, and direct financial support.
Join us to learn about our plans, mingle with Sierra Club staff, volunteers and friends, and meet some of our endorsees.
All funds solicited in connection with this event were solicited by the Maryland Sierra Club PAC, and not by Senator Van Hollen. Contributions to the Sierra Club Maryland PAC are not tax-deductible.
By authority of Sierra Club Maryland Chapter Political Action Committee, Michael A. Pretl, Treasurer.
RSVP for address at https://sept16benefiteventbritecom/?aff=FB1
Annapolis, MD
United States
Google map and directions
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