Annapolis hearing on Paris Agreement (climate change)

The City Council will be hearing public testimony on a resolution in support of the Paris Agreement (dealing with climate change), tomorrow night at 7pm. You can view the agenda here. And you can view the Resolution (R-22-17) at this link. It currently has 5-sponsors, so will likely pass, but I do feel it needs some additional improvements. I hope you will consider coming to testify in support. Climate change is a very real and imminent threat to the City.


As the former Sustainability Coordinator for the City, who drafted the greenhouse gas inventory for the City, drafted the City’s Community Action Plan (i.e. Sustainability Plan), and drafted the City’s Climate Action Plan, I am quite supportive of this resolution and its intentions.

The US Naval Academy predicts 3’-6’ of sea level rise by 2100, and the Union of Concerned Scientists predicts 4’-6.5’ by 2100. They are also predicting that Hurricane Isabel-level flooding will become as frequent as a 20-year storm by 2100.

We are already seeing the impacts from climate change. Since 1957, our nuisance flooding has increased 925%.

In light of our national politics, we need to stand strong in Annapolis. Climate Change represents an existential threat to our City. We need to stand up now and reaffirm our commitment to protecting our residents and protecting our City. 

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  • Rob Savidge