Capital Improvement Projects update

Last week we had a work session where the Public Works Department gave us an update on all of the Capital Improvement Projects that are in the current budget. The summary below was put together by Alderman Arnett. 

Status update for Capital Improvement Projects

Thursday March 21, 2024

Betsey McKeown


Spa Creek Environmental aka Weems Whalen Field

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed. Plan to submit Phase II work plan to MDE in April for approval.   

Stormwater MS4 Permit Compliance

The MS4 Annual Report was submitted in October. Biohabitats will assist with MS4 programmatic work, BMP inspections, BMP database/dashboard.  4th year of CBT/AA County/City grant program- proposals due 3/11. Ongoing CBT projects include: Truxtun Cove, Harness Creek, Tecumseh, Wardour, Kingsport, Fairwinds, and Georgetown East. Merryman stream design started. Watershed Steward’s Replant tree planting program continues. Completed College Creek Pond rehabilitation. 

Stormwater Management Retrofit Project

Inlet asset inventory and inspection started. Requesting additional funding to start addressing aging infrastructure.


Mike Rossberg


Stormwater Management Retrofit Project

Outfall risk assessment to be completed at the end of FY24.  

Hawkins Cove

Bayland Consultants selected to complete living shoreline concept design.  Bayland Consultants to develop design services for living shoreline and dredging through permitting and construction phase services.  Estimate implementation FY26.

Truxtun Heights Storm Drainage Improvements

Design work is ongoing on the project. Additional scope items added to design for roadway improvements.  A concept design has been completed for improvements to the area storm drains.  Construction funding in the amount of $2.8 million is planned for FY25.


Jasmine Wilding


South Southwood Storm Drain Improvements

Reviewing design proposals. Award anticipated May 2024. City funding available to fund Phase 1 design. Pending FEMA award for Phase II. Construction anticipated 2027

Brewer’s Hill Cemetery Step Pool Conveyance 

Design contract pending signatures. Board of Public Works review pushed until April 17. Signed grant agreement to follow.




City Dock Flood Mitigation (Compromise Street)


City Dock Resilience and Revitalization

Construction planned to start November 2024, contingent upon FEMA’s completion of NEPA and award of $32M grant. Construction will take ~ 36 months to complete all phases.


Utilities Undergrounding in Historic District

Grant funding provided without request by the State.  Program concept is to undertake phased, block-by-block whole street upgrades, including water, sewer, natural gas, overhead electrical and communications lines, streets and sidewalks along Maryland Avenue, Prince George Street, East Street, and Fleet Street.  A program management firm will be hired to manage the program, prioritize the streets, develop a project schedule, and estimate the program costs.  Program costs estimated at $9,000 per foot for full scope.   Not affordable.  Design contract in development for overhead electrical and communications only on East Street.  Estimate is $2,000,000 for construction.


Alexis Rider


Traffic Signal Rehabilitation

This is a multi-year project to reconstruct, replace or upgrade the traffic signals citywide that are beyond their service life.  A citywide assessment was completed in 2020 which created a prioritized list of projects to be implemented each year.  The signals at Church Circle were of highest priority and were completed in November 2023. The next signals to be designed and constructed are at the intersection of Bay Ridge Avenue and Tyler Avenue. The RFP for engineering design services is with the Procurement Office.


Tucker Street Boat Ramp

The project will include the demolition of the existing boat ramp and construction of a new ramp, ADA compliant dock, and kayak launch.  Design and permitting are underway and are anticipated to be complete by the end of summer. 


Waterway Improvement Project - Cheston Ave

Project is complete.


Waterway Improvement Project - 6th Street [on Back Creek]

Design and permitting are underway. Project scope includes dredging and installation of an ADA compliant floating dock and gangway.


Duke of Gloucester Floating Pier

Concept design is complete and we are in the process of coordinating with St. Mary’s and permitting agencies. Project scope includes an observation deck overlooking Spa Creek and an ADA compliant floating dock and gangway.


Electric Annapolis Mobility Plan - 5th Street Ferry Landing [on Spa Creek]

Concept design and brief feasibility study are underway. Working with Mayor’s Office for next steps.


Thora Burkhardt


Water Distribution Rehabilitation

The Eastport Phase 2 Water Distribution System Replacement project is under construction, with construction expected to be complete in the Spring of 2024. Phase 1 of the Valve rehabilitation project is underway and expected to be completed by the end of Spring 2024.  Phase 2 is expected to begin in the Summer of 2024 and be completed in Spring 2025.  Design for the replacement of water mains in Southgate, Franklin & Cheston streets is expected to start in the Spring/Summer of 2024.  Construction of this project would likely begin in the Winter of 2024/2025 following completion of BGE gas main replacements and be completed by the end of 2025. The update to the City’s Water and Sewer Asset Management Plans is expected to begin this Spring, 2024 and be completed by the end of the year.


Diane Doyen


Sewer Rehabilitation

The Whiton Court Pump Station Upgrade project to replace the existing 50-year-old station is underway. The new sewage pump station and force main are scheduled to be completed in June 2024. Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining work on sewer mains and laterals is ongoing in various areas of the City. Procurement of a design/build team for the sewer replacement work on Southgate Avenue and Franklin Street (in conjunction with water replacement). In the planning stages for the replacement of the East Street gravity sewer, Smith Avenue force main and Hanover Street force main. Updating the asset management plan, including the Ten-Year Plan and Comprehensive Plan. Sewer main CCTV inspection RFP is currently being reviewed by Procurement and is anticipated to be underway by early FY25.


Jennifer Feight


General Roadways

2024 and 2025 schedules have been posted. The program will begin working on punch list items in April as weather permits then begin on the 2024 schedule. The latest road condition assessment has been completed and results are posted online.


General Sidewalks

The sidewalk program will begin working on repairs in Eastport to get ahead of the paving program in April. The condition assessment was completed and is currently being reviewed by DPW.


Barbud Lane

100% Plans have been submitted to Anne Arundel County for approval. After the county approves connections within Forest Drive the procurement for construction services will begin. Construction should begin in Fall 2024.


Cedar Park Sidewalks

Additional survey and design work was needed to correct the stormwater infrastructure in Cedar Park road. Expected completion of design is by May with construction complete Fall 2024.


Robert Eades Park

Design is complete and in for permit approval.


Annapolis Walk Park

Planning and design is currently in procurement for advertising. One Basketball court has been completed.


Moyer Park (Edgewood Road) sidewalk enhancement

Planned to complete in 2025 Bay Ridge Avenue sidewalk

Procurement for design services is ongoing. Construction is expected to begin Fall 2025.


Donavan Harold


Maynard Burgess House

The first-floor renovations have been completed.  The data wiring has not been completed, which the IT department will be handling. NEXT STEPS?


Burtis House

Project design for Phase 1 (raising and weatherizing house) is ongoing.  Project construction is anticipated to occur during Summer of 2024.  Project is being managed by Preservation Maryland.  Phase 2 (building renovation and fit out) will be done as part of the City Dock project.


Stanton Center Renovations

Facility condition assessment was completed.  Project design is ongoing.  Funding in the amount of $1.2 million is available for project construction.


Skate Park


Pickleball Court Lights

Funding in the amount of $100,000 is available for purchase and installation of the lights.


Burr Vogel


Annapolis Gateway Park

Right of Entry approved for walking trail and bench. County conducting planning effort for boating facilities.  Numerous Navy/DGS/SHA hurdles before any permanent structures/infrastructure could be built.  Navy/DGS/SHA have reservations about large, permanent structures



Target is to publish a request for proposals for a public-private partnership in the summer of 2024.

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  • Rob Savidge