This Monday’s Council meeting looks a bit light. There are a number of things up for public hearings but nothing controversial or monumental, with the exception of the nomination below.
Annapolis appointment to County Police Accountability Board
We will be voting on recommending the appointment of Mr. Luke Griffin to serve as the Annapolis representative on the County Police Accountability Board. You can view his resume or letter. After hearing Mr. Griffin speak at the last Council meeting, I’m inclined to support his nomination, pending any comments from you.
Brooke Lierman for Comptroller
I’m proud to endorse Brooke Lierman for MD Comptroller. I got to know Brooke because we were both pushing for legislation to ban styrofoam and reduce plastic bag usage. She was doing so as State Delegate in the General Assembly and I was doing so for the City. This has earned her the coveted Sierra Club endorsement. She is one of the most grounded politicians I’ve had the pleasure to meet, with a desire and proven ability to stand up for her constituents and do what is right. She will be an excellent Comptroller.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Next Council meeting – 7/11/22 (agenda)
This Council meeting is starting at 10am and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website. You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.
Public Hearings
- O-19-22 - Stanton Center Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease between Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation. and the City of Annapolis – the AAWDC would have space in the Stanton Center as a result of this lease agreement
- O-20-22 - Stanton Center Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease between Luminis Health Community Clinics LLC. and the City of Annapolis – Luminis would have space in the Stanton Center to provide a dental clinic as a result of this lease agreement
- O-22-22 - Stanton Center Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease between Annapolis Arts District Inc and the City of Annapolis – the Annapolis Arts District Inc. would have office space in the Stanton Center as a result of this lease agreement.
- O-23-22 - Stanton Center Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease between We Care and Friends Inc and the City of Annapolis – We Care would have office space in the Stanton Center to provide counseling and homeless assistance as a result of this lease agreement.
- O-28-22 - Vehicles and Traffic - Parking Meters - Parking in metered space - For the purpose of extending time allowed in metered space. This legislation would remove the current code limit that restricts metered parking space durations to 2 hours, and allow the City manager to set this duration as set forth in internal rules or regulations.
- O-30-22 - Buildings and Construction- Fire Prevention Code - Sprinker and Electrical Assistance Revolving Funds. - For the purpose of clarifying the Sprinkler Assistance Revolving Fund and other technical changes.
- O-32-22 - HUMAN RESOURCES - Exempt service - Salary - modifying the assistant city manager position salary, creating a new special projects/arts administration position, and changing the number of days that temporary employees shall be employed.
Legislation being introduced on first reader
- R-36-22 - City Sponsored Special Events in Fiscal Year 2023 - For the purpose of identifying City Sponsored Special Events; and waiving certain related City Fees during Fiscal Year 2023.
- R-38-22 - Non-Profit Vendors During Annapolis Songwriters Festival and Holiday Market - For the purpose of authorizing sales by certain vendors in the Susan Campbell Park of the Historic District during September and December of 2022.
- R-40-22 - Payments in Lieu of Taxes Agreement with Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC - For the purpose of approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement between the City of Annapolis and Forest Drive LIHTC, LLC, for the construction of affordable housing units in Annapolis, Maryland.
- R-45-22 - Compensation of Acting Director of Transportation Agyemang-Duah - For the purpose of expressly consenting to compensate an acting director when a directorship remains vacant for six-months.
- R-46-22 - Director of Public Works - David A. Jarrell - For the purpose of expressly confirming the appointment of David A. Jarrell as the Director of Public Works; and consenting to compensate the Director.
- O-42-22 - Business License, Taxes and Regulations - Street Cafe - For the purpose of clarifying the definition of street cafes
- O-43-22 - Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes - For the purpose of authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis (the "City") to issue and sell, upon its full faith and credit, one or more series of its general obligation bonds and bond anticipation notes to finance capital projects of the City.
Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)
- O-37-22 – Arts In Public Places Commission (AIPCC) - Arts fund appropriation by Council - For the purpose of clarifying City of Annapolis arts funding – This would simply remove existing code language that creates an additional funding mechanism for the AIPPC through the City’s general fund revenue. At the moment, I’m inclined to support this legislation. This is being proposed because the State General Assembly passed legislation boosting the AIPCC funding by requiring that a portion of the hotel tax goes towards the AIPCC, instead of to the City itself. The AIPCC now receives significant funding after the General Assembly’s actions. I do want to make it clear that I do not support the GA’s actions, as the State is essentially telling us how we can use our tax revenues, taking such control away from us, your elected Aldermen. This Resolution indirectly addresses that.
Community & Political updates
Opportunity to Serve on the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee
There is an opportunity for a resident from Ward 7 to serve as an alternate on the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee ( In addition to fulfilling duties imposed by the Annapolis City Code, the ADCC supports a strong and viable Democratic Party. If you are interested in serving, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the Central Committee.
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