This weekend’s update has information on our next Council meeting, your last opportunity to speak out against school overcrowding, information about the Forest Drive Sector Study, and more.
Special Announcements
Town Hall Meeting
My first town hall meeting has been scheduled for April 17th from 6-7:30pm at the Eastport Library. Mayor Buckley has been invited, so the two of us will hopefully kick it off with a few remarks, and then I’ll just open the floor to your questions and comments. I hope you can join me! I look forward to hearing your concerns and comments.
Report on Last Council meeting
Parents testified on school overcrowding ordinance O-8-18
I would like to give a big “thank you” to the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to testify in regards to this important ordinance.
Passed O-3-18 - Wrecked or non-operating vehicles ordinance
This ordinance passed, and will allow the City to more effectively enforce and police abandoned vehicles that are an issue on some streets.
Council meeting on Monday, April 9th
Confirmation of City Manager - Teresa Owen Sutherland
Mayor Buckley is nominating Teresa Sutherland for appointment as the City Manager. I intend to vote in favor of this nomination, as I feel her skill set and experiences are what the City needs at this point in time. I do have some concern about her proposed starting salary, but at this point in time that’s not enough to cause me to vote against this appointment. I welcome any input you may have on this appointment.
State of the City Address by the Mayor
Introduction of the FY19 Budget
The Mayor will be introducing his proposed FY19 budget to the Council for first reader (i.e. introduction). We will be discussing the budget over the next three months.
Public Hearing on School Overcrowding ordinance O-8-18
This is your final opportunity to be heard regarding the school overcrowding ordinance O-8-18 Adequate School Facilities.(this is co-sponsored by me) All of the development we have been experiencing in Annapolis and surrounding areas has overcrowded many of our schools. While the previous Council did pass an APF ordinance that addresses school capacity, it didn’t set 100% as the limit for all of our schools; they chose 105% for Elementary and Middle schools, and 120% for our High School. It certainly isn’t acceptable that our schools are overcrowded, yet that is ultimately managed by the County. All we can do is make sure we aren’t contributing to that overcrowding. However, it should be known that this ordinance is proposing to change the percentages to 95% across the board, and if that happens, it will freeze all residential development in the City that is over 11 units in size, because Annapolis High School is over capacity. Is this acceptable to you? Should we create exceptions? Should we reduce or increase that 11-unit threshold?
Public Hearing on O-15-18 - Mission BBQ at Truxtun Park
This ordinance would approve a lease to allow Mission BBQ to use a wet slip in Truxtun Park, from which they would sell their restaurant products.
Other Announcements
Annapolis Education Commission meeting - Monday night
The Annapolis Education Commission’s next meeting will be on Monday, April 9th, 2018 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Bates Middle School (701 Chase Street). Dr. Maisha Gillins, Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Student Achievement as well as Alderwoman Rhonda Pindell Charles will be in attendance to discuss the Community Ambassador positions that are currently vacant. This program was developed in 2006 by Sharon Mackell and Alderwoman Rhonda Pindell Charles. The official position summary is as follows: "Serves as the link between the high school and the community. Mentors and/or tutors small groups of identified students within the school, work with parents at the school and participate in activities that support students and their education. Serves as the point of contact for the school administrators, classroom teachers, parents, pupil personnel workers and guidance counselors.”
Forest Drive/Eastport Sector Study - Public meeting #3
The City will provide an overview of the planning process up to this point and the milestones that have been met, as the first draft of the Forest Drive/Eastport Sector Study is introduced. The Planning team and other City (and County) employees will be present to discuss the draft plan containing visions and solutions that reflect input from the public received since the process kicked off. April 11th, 6:30PM-9:00 PM, City Council Chambers
Back Creek Conservancy - Stream clean-up opportunity
Police Department Scholarship Applications Open
The Annapolis Police Department will be awarding two $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend an accredited college. The scholarship criteria and application is posted on the website at If you have any questions about this program please contact Lieutenant Kevin Krauss at 410-268-9000 ext. 7255 or [email protected].
Job Opportunities
- There are a number of $18,000/ year job training/Internship opportunities sponsored by the Chesapeake Conservation Corps. Contact Diane Butler for more information.
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation - Summer work crew
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