Council mtg details, Carrs beach final acquisition

I hope you had a pleasant holiday and I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year. I look forward to the opportunity to represent you for another year, and if you have any concerns or comments please let me know.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the community survey. If you are curious as to the results, you can view them here.

Carr’s Beach final acquisition

Tonight we are set to authorize a supplemental appropriation (SA-19-24) of additional Program Open Space Money for the acquisition of the Moore property. This is the last piece of the puzzle that will allow the City to preserve the remaining portions of Carrs/Elktonia Beach.

Brewer Hill Cemetary stormwater restoration

The second supplemental appropriation (SA-20-24) is an authorization for us to utilize State grant money to restore part of the stormwater outfall in Brewer’s Hill cemetary. This is an historical African American cemetary that was/is experiencing erosion associated with a stormwater outfall under West Street. This particular outfall was connected to when the Severn Savings bank building was constructed, and up until a few years back the developer had not properly restored this outfall per original permit conditions. This lead to erosion in the cemtary that atually exposed skulls and graves. I believe this has now been largely resolved when the developer installed a plunge pool, but apparently there is still erosion further downstream that this grant money will be addressing.

Not like it needs to be said, but I’m inclined to support both of these SAs.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 1/8/24 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

  • O-30-23 - Updates and Corrections to Special Residential Parking Districts - For the purpose of moving Bloomsbury Square from Special Residential Parking District 1 and into District 4; updating the district descriptions and maps; and generally related to the City's special residential parking districts. This isn’t really going to impact our Ward. But what it does is make some technical corrections and also would change how our parking district hours and time limits are determined; from something that is spelled out in the Code to something that is determined by the City Manager (or appropriate staff). Again, not much of an impact to our Ward, though we may at some point in the distant future get parking districts throughout the entire City as we continue to grow in population (and hence will need to limit vehicles at some point if we want to manage traffic and parking).
  • O-31-23 - Certain Street Parking Updates and Corrections - For the purpose of eliminating outdated language and conflicts in the City of Annapolis code related to Chapter 12.20 - Stopping, Standing and Parking, and Chapter 12.32 - Special Residential Parking Districts; and generally related to parking in the City. This contains technical corrections and takes the same approach as O-30-23 which is to move the development of parking regulations from the Mayor’s Office to the City Manager’s Office.
  • O-36-23 - Annapolis Harbor Lines for 3 President Point Drive on Spa Creek- For the purpose of changing the Annapolis harbor line on Spa Creek for President Point Condominium at 3 President Point Drive; and generally related to harbor lines and setbacks. President Point Condominium proposes to remove and reconstruct a "T" pier opposite the condominium clubhouse and slips along the bulkhead. The relocated pier will require changing President Point Condominium's existing harbor line. That's the city's limit on in-the-water construction of piers, moorings, wharves and bulkheads.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • O-1-24 - City Building Code Updates - For the purpose of adapting the City building codes to Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), Maryland statutes, and Maryland state building requirements and recommendations; integrating the model codes into City Code; modifying state and national recommendations to best fit the local needs of Annapolis; and generally dealing with City Code updates for building and construction. I’m inclined to support on first reader, pending any concerns you may have.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-22-23 - Business License, Taxes and Regulation - Creation of Art Establishment Beer and Wine License - For the purpose of creating a City of Annapolis beer and wine license for specific art venues as authorized by MD. Alcoholic Beverages Code ? 10-1002 per House Bill 353 and Senate Bill 472, signed by Governor Wes Moore on May 3, 2023; and generally related to the Alcoholic Beverages chapter of the City Code. I’m inclined to support this underlying legislation and the amendment proposed by Alderwoman Tierney, pending any comments or concerns from you.
  • R-38-23 - FY 2024 Annual Fees Schedule - Art Establishment Liquor License Fee - For the purpose of specifying the fee for the new Art Establishment liquor license. I’m inclined to support, pending any comments or concerns from you.
  • R-59-23 - Delegation of Authority for Administrating Elections - For the purpose of authorizing the City of Annapolis to contract with the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections to administer the City of Annapolis Municipal Primary and General Elections in 2025. A number of years back we essentially contracted with the County to administer our elections. This resulted in cost savings and was generally more efficient for the City as we didn’t have to spend as much or hire/train all of the associated staff every 4 years. I’m inclined to support this, pending any concerns from you.

Community & Political updates

City Seeks Volunteers to Serve on “Annapolis 250” Commission

Annapolis Rec & Parks – Teen night



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  • Rob Savidge