Environmental re-org passes - Council meeting Tuesday

Good evening everyone,

What beautiful Autumn weather! It has inspired me to get outside this weekend for some hiking and I hope you find some time to enjoy it as well. Our Council Meeting is on Tuesday this next week.

I wanted to provide a few updates from our last Council meeting. We passed O-18-20 (Institutions for the Care of the Aged), CA-1-20 & O-20-20 (Deputy City Manager for Resilience and Sustainability), and O-34-19 (Appeal Procedures). I want to extend a big “thank you” to everyone who helped to get the Deputy City Manager (i.e. the environmental re-organization) passed. I am hopeful this will really provide the focus and coordination on these issues that we need moving forward. The Mayor will likely be making an appointment to this position as soon as the required Charter Amendment takes effect (I think it’s 30 or 45 days per State law).

Here are details on the meeting next week.


Next Special Council meeting – 9/29/20 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, Facebook, and the City website (www.annapolis.gov). Due to COVID-19, our meetings are now being held virtually. http://www.youtube.com/CityofAnnapolis http://www.facebook.com/CityofAnnapolis

Anyone needing reasonable accommodation to be able to participate in a public meeting held by the City of Annapolis should contact Regina Watkins-Eldridge at 410.263.7942, by MD Relay (711), or by email at [email protected] at least five days prior to the meeting date to request assistance.

If you would like to submit public testimony, we have included a link allowing written testimony to be submitted into the recorded minutes of the meeting. Submit written testimony: http://www.annapolis.gov/testimony.

We now are allowing audio-only testimony by the public, via Zoom, at the beginning of our second (the Special Council Meeting) meeting each month. Those who wish to testify must submit the request through www.annapolis.gov/testimony at least four hours before the start of the meeting (3pm for Council meetings). All those offering public testimony must dial in at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Per code, you will have 3 minutes to provide testimony.

Public hearings

Since this is a “special” Council meeting, it is mostly public hearings and public citations without action (2nd & 3rd reader votes) taken on legislation.

  • O-31-20 - Non-motorized wheeled vehicles - For the purpose of setting standards for the use of non-motorized wheeled vehicles on sidewalks; and establishing a definition. This simply clarifies the City Code to state that non-motorized vehicles can be used on public spaces as long as they are operating it safely.
  • O-32-20 - Vessels and Persons using City Waters - For the purpose of establishing noise level standards for vessels on City waters; and establishing swimming and water skiing restrictions for persons using City waters. This just aligns our noise regulations and swimming restrictions with the State regs.
  • O-33-20 - Towing of Vehicles - For the purpose of clarifying when a stopped, standing, or parked vehicle is subject to towing. This legislation seeks to deter repeat behavior by authorizing the towing of vehicles found to be violating the code.
  • O-34-20 - Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating, Inc. Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease for certain City-owned property located at the Port Williams Marina, 7040 Bembe Beach Road, Annapolis, MD 21403, between Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating, Inc. and the City of Annapolis; and matters generally relating to said lease. I am co-sponsoring this legislation. This is coming out of the Council’s approval to use a portion of our State Program Open Space funds (along with a significant portion of the County’s) to acquire this old marina. The intention was always to lease this property to Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB) for use in their services that they provide to the disabled, wounded vets, elderly, and at-risk youths. The lease would require certain improvements be made to the property, including: Removal/demolition of the existing docks and commercial building 2. Installation of new floating ADA docks and fully accessible building 3. Replacement of the existing house with a new accessible pavilion for patrons. This facility is a tremendous asset to the Ward and City, and fits in perfectly in our maritime Edgewood Rd community that also has a high number of seniors.
  • O-35-20 – Critical Area Legislation. In January 2020, the City Council approved a comprehensive re-write and update of the Critical Area ordinance for the City of Annapolis. This ordinance reconciles what the City approved with that the State approved.
  • O-36-20 - Site Development - Prohibited Discharges - For the purpose of improving the protections of City waterways and public thoroughfares from harmful discharges from development sites during non-business hours. This is legislation I’ve introduced that is responding to an issue where construction sites were not securing their properties before/during storm events, which led to trash and other debris being blown into our waterways. This would require that they properly secure trash and other materials.
  • O-37-20 - Annual Performance Statements - For the purpose of clarifying the requirement for each City agency and department to file an annual performance statement. This Ordinance modifies City Code Chapter 2.60, Performance Review, by exempting boards, commissions and committees from the requirement to file an annual statement of performance standards. In addition, clarification is added that the Annual Performance Statements requirement applies to the City Departments. I am co-sponsoring this legislation with the Mayor.
  • O-38-20 - Building Code Updates - For the purpose of adopting certain building codes in accordance with the Code of Maryland; updating building code standards; correcting technical errors; specifying enforcement procedures; specifying appeal procedures; and generally related to the Annapolis Building Code. This proposed ordinance updates Title 17 in accordance with the 2018 version of the International Building Code that is specified in the latest update from COMAR.
  • O-39-20 - False Alarms - For the purpose of clarifying the procedure and penalty for excessive false alarms.
  • R-46-20 - Maritime Task Force - For the purpose of establishing a Maritime Task Force charged with conducting a comprehensive review of the waterfront maritime zoning districts in the City of Annapolis; assessing the current and projected future landscape of the Annapolis maritime industry; evaluating current programs and initiatives of private and public stakeholders; assessing public safety and uses of Annapolis waterways; and making recommendations to the City Council. I have signed onto this legislation as a co-sponsor.

Legislation being introduced on First Reader (on the Consent Calendar)

  • O-41-20 – Alcoholic Beverages - For the purpose of updating citations to the Maryland State Code in Chapter 7.12 of the Code of the City of Annapolis.
  • R-51-20 – City Sponsored Special Events in Fiscal Year 2021 - Amended - For the purpose of adding the Juneteenth Parade to the approved FY 2021 City Sponsored Special Events; and waiving certain related City Fees.
  • R-52-20 – Council Compensation Commission - For the purpose of establishing a Council Compensation Commission to review the compensation and allowances of the City Manager, Mayor, and Aldermen/Alderwomen during the next succeeding terms of office; setting a due date; and generally relating to said compensation and allowances
  • R-53-20 – Appeal to Board of Appeals -Fee - For the purpose of specifying the fee in the Fiscal Year 2021 Fees Schedule for filing an appeal to the Board of Appeals.
  • R-54-20 - Autonomous Urbanism - For the purpose of expressing the sense of the City Council in recognizing the importance of the "Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism" developed by the National Association of City Transportation Officials. I am a co-sponsor of this legislation
  • R-55-20 - Indigenous Peoples Day - For the purpose of recognizing the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day in the City of Annapolis. I am the primary sponsor of this legislation. My intention is that the City recognize Indigenous Peoples Day rather than Columbus Day, given the astonishing and deplorable brutality that Columbus and his men engaged in against the indigenous peoples they encountered.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote) (on the Consent Calendar)

Pending any comments from you, I intend to support all of the legislation below and am not planning on removing anything from Consent Calendar (which would result in the legislation being voted on separate from everything else on Consent Calendar).

  • O-26-20 - Rent Increases During State of Emergency - Prohibited - For the purpose of prohibiting certain rent increases during a State of Emergency; and generally related to the rent increase prohibition. I am a co-sponsor of this legislation.
  • R-34-20 - Community Development Block Grant Program - 2020 Amended Citizen Participation Plan - For the purpose of adopting an Amended Citizen Participation Plan as it relates to the administration of the Community Planning and Development programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • R-47-20 - Budget Process for Fiscal Year 2022 - For the purpose of approving a timeline for the Fiscal Year 2022 budget development and approval process. I am co-sponsoring this legislation that lays out a new budget release schedule so we can avoid the rush of late amendments and get more informed earlier on in the process.
  • R-49-20 - Position Classifications - Amendment - For the purpose of amending the Fiscal Year 2021 position classifications.

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  • Rob Savidge