I’d like to start this week’s newsletter by asking you for some assistance. As you are hopefully aware, we have a fall Ward 7 Town Hall meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 24th, from 6-8 at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library. I need some help getting the word out and distributing flyers for the event. We will be having a special guest, Mr. Andre Dillard, the principal of Georgetown East Elementary School, who will be speaking to you about the school and how you can help, whether or not you currently have kids of that age. But the majority of the meeting will still consist of the open Q&A format, with opening remarks from yours truly. However, for this to be a success, I once again am requesting your assistance. If you are able to help, let me know and I will get flyers to you for distribution in your community. It should take no more than an hour or so of your time.
Here’s the rest of my update:
Details on Monday’s Council meeting
Public Hearings
- There is nothing up for a public hearing. That said, you can still come and comment during the general public comment period on anything you would like.
Legislation up for a final vote
- O-33-18 (commercial recycling adjustments) - This ordinance makes a few minor adjustments to establish guidelines for commercial recycling and clarify the enforcement procedures for repeat violations. It specifies how and when commercial establishments may set out recycling for collection and when the containers must be removed. I am inclined to vote in favor, pending any comments from you.
- R-31-18 (City debt and financial administration policies) - This resolution amends the City’s debt and financial administration policies. The proposed changes to the City’s debt and financial administration policies will affect the minimum, maximum, and target amounts of General Fund balance that may be held in reserves in Unassigned General Fund balance, in the Capital Reserve Fund balance, and in the Budget Stabilization Fund. The target for Unassigned General Fund balance is changed from 15% of government-wide expenditures to 15% of budgeted revenue in the General Fund, the Parking Fund, and the Transportation Fund. This calculation, in turn, affects the amounts that can fall to the Capital Reserve and Budget Stabilization Funds. I am inclined to vote in favor, pending any comments from you, and pending any comments from the City Council’s Finance Committee.
Legislation being reconsidered
O-22-18 (foam ban) - Last week we did approve the foam ban, which prohibits food handling establishments from selling foam or food served or packaged in foam. Due to a drafting error of one of the amendments by the law office, the geographic restriction was removed. We need to “reconsider” this legislation as it was adopted and add a new amendment that inserts the geographic restriction (i.e. this only applies to food packaged in the City, and not to food that may be packaged elsewhere and sold in the City - think “cup-of-noodles”). We only get one opportunity to reconsider legislation that was adopted, and I will be making a motion to fix this legislation. Once this is fixed, grocery stores, for example, will not be allowed to package meat, coffee, or any food product on/in foam on the premises. Products packaged in foam outside of the City, for example eggs packaged in Pennsylvania, will not be prohibited.
Previous Council meeting
At the last Council meeting we passed two pieces of legislation: the foam ban (O-22-18) and the No Discharge Zone R-47-18. As a reminder, this resolution will express support to the Back Creek Conservancy for submitting a joint City/County application to the EPA to declare our waters as a No Discharge Zone (i.e. you can’t dump your human waste even if it’s treated, because even untreated waste contributes nutrients, which contribute to the water quality issues we are experiencing). I am the lead sponsor on both of these pieces of legislation.
Fall Town Hall meeting
My Fall town hall meeting will be on Wednesday, October 24th, from 6-8PM at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck library. Hope to see you there! Georgetown Elementary principal Andre Dillard will be our special guest and will speak about our neighborhood school, and detail ways you can help even if you don't have kids of school age anymore. After Mr. Dillard's remarks, the Town Hall event will follow the usual open Q&A format with opening remarks from me.
Candidates Forum on the Environment & Development
This forum is hosted by the Annapolis Neck Peninsula Federation. It will be from 7-9 on October 23rd at Bay Ridge Christian Church.
Public hearing on the Eastport-Forest Drive Sector Study
A public hearing for the Forest Drive and Eastport Sector Study will be held before the Planning Commission on the night of Thursday, November 1st at 7 PM in the City Council Chambers in accordance with the City's plan approval process. The Forest Drive/Eastport Sector Study will define a vision for the corridor and identify recommendations to achieve this vision. To prepare for the meeting, please review the latest draft of the plan as of August 31st: Forest Drive and Eastport Sector Study public review draft. All are welcome to attend the hearing as well as the rest of the meeting.
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