Here’s a summary of what’s on the agenda for Monday’s Council meeting. This will be virtual but I think we are set to resume in person meetings in April.
I’d also like to let you know that I will be scheduling a town hall meeting for probably late April or early May. I’d like to do it outdoors at the Annapolis Maritime campus at Moyer park.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Next Virtual Council meeting – 3/14/22 (agenda)
This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, Facebook, and the City website (
Anyone needing reasonable accommodation to be able to participate in a public meeting held by the City of Annapolis should contact Regina Watkins-Eldridge at 410.263.7942, by MD Relay (711), or by email at [email protected] at least five days prior to the meeting date to request assistance. You can submit public testimony at and sign up for live testimony.
Public hearings
- O-10-22 - Peddlers, Hawkers, and Itinerant Merchants - Time Restrictions - For the purpose of modifying the time period during which certain peddlers, hawkers, and itinerant merchants may conduct licensed activities. Changes the time they can start from 8am to 6am.
Legislation being introduced on First Reader
- O-11-22 – Standard Restaurants - B1 District Special Exceptions - For the purpose of modifying additional standards for food and beverage-related uses in the B1 District that are subject to special exception. It appears that this legislation would allow more than 50 seats for dining in the B1 district without a special exception.
- O-12-22 - Special Events - For the purpose of clarifying special event permitting procedures; providing for certain exemptions; providing certain definitions; authorizing the promulgation of rules and regulations; and generally relating to special events.
- R-13-22 - Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis - Project Prioritization - For the purpose of approving a resolution that states the City desires to prioritize all Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) redevelopment projects. This is related to the consent decree.
- R-14-22 - City Sponsored Special Events in Fiscal Year 2022 - Amended - For the purpose of adding the Juneteenth Parade and Festival to the approved Fiscal Year 2022 City Sponsored Special Events; and providing for a waiver of certain related City fees.
- R-15-22 - Anne Arundel County Coalition for Police Accountability Recommendations - For the purpose of expressing support for the recommendations of the Anne Arundel County Coalition for Police Accountability; and urging the County Executive and County Council to adopt those recommendations as amendments to HB 16-22 in establishing a Police Accountability Board. This is something that Alderman Gay and I are introducing. This is regarding County legislation that would implement the new Police Accountability Board (PAB) as required by the State legislation that past in 2021. The City doesn’t have an opportunity to create such a board because our police will be overseen by the County Board; as required by the State. Alderman Gay and I have introduced this legislation for the City Council to support the County legislation but also to support the recommended amendments from our Human Relations Commission. Both the County and City law offices are pushing back on some of their recommended amendments. In particular, there is one recommendation that the PAB, which per State design is primary tasked with recommending new policies, be given the power to subpeona and also be given paid investigators. The law offices seem to think this would go against what they say is the legislative intent to have each body have different powers, and this would step on the toes of another board, the Administrative Charging Committee (ACC). I disagree because I feel this just gives the PAB additional oversight options, which I’d argue is aligned with the overall legislative intent to increase police accountability. The City law office didn’t consider the overall legislative intent. It’s also important to point out that the state legislation doesn’t prohibit us doing this. Indeed, it doesn’t say we can or can’t. So I remain puzzled that the law office would use language stating that the State law prohibits us from making this change.
- R-16-22 - Filing of Grant Application with the Maryland Transit Administration - For the purpose of authorizing the City of Annapolis to file an application with the Maryland Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation for Section 5303, 5304, 5307, 5309, 5310, 5311, 5316 and/or 5317 grants under the Federal Transit Act for a total amount of $3,834,103, consisting of $2,409,140 for fixed route transit operations; $199,467 for ADA complementary paratransit services; $427,500 capital grant for transit vehicle maintenance; $61,200 for Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and $737,296 capital grant for the purchase of two (2) heavy duty buses (replacement).
Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)
- O-38-21 - Illicit Discharges and Connections - Stormwater - For the purpose of regulating the contribution of pollutants to the City separate storm sewer system (MS4) by stormwater discharges by any user; prohibiting illicit connections and discharges to the City separate storm sewer system (MS4); establishing legal authority for the City to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures; providing definitions; providing for enforcement of violations; providing an appeal process; and generally relating to illicit discharge and connections. This legislation brings us into compliance with the federal requirements to have an Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination program. I have about 15 amendments that are relatively minor corrections and clarifications. Pending any comments from you, I intend to support this legislation.
- O-40-21 - Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program - 100% Electric Mobility Plan - For the purpose of adding the 100% Electric Annapolis Mobility Plan to include electric vehicles, boat and associated support infrastructure to the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program. This is a plan of the Mayor’s to provide for fully electric transit within City limits, via electric trolleys, vehicles, and a ferry. I am inclined to support this initiative, though I had a number of questions about the process. To ensure continued transparency I will be asking for periodic updates via the Environmental Matters Committee.
- O-4-22 - Aggressive Panhandling - For the purpose of clarifying that aggressive panhandling is a misdemeanor offense; and generally relating to aggressive panhandling. I’m inclined to support this as amended, but I have a few questions about it.
- O-8-22 - Alcoholic Beverages - The Market House - For the purpose of modifying the types of alcoholic beverages that may be consumed on the Market House premises. I’m inclined to support this, pending any comments from you. However, it appears that our Alcohol Board has not had an opportunity to comment on this, so I may make a motion to postpone so that they can offer feedback
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