Houseboats, Sweden, outdoor dining, town hall scheduled

A few things regarding this Monday’s Council meeting. Alderman Arnett and I are re-introducing our legislation that would create a task force to establish the need, then some recommendations if needed, regarding updating our Code on houseboats. I’ll write more below, but suffice it to say this is a much bigger issue than some of my colleagues seem to realize, and so there is much research we need to do before doing anything on this issue. And frankly, I don’t see why we are going to open up an entire can-of-worms that risks upsetting the monumental work we did a few years back to update our maritime districts, just to suit some investors who want to put houseboats on our waters and rent them as short term rentals. I don’t like the idea and I don’t want to waste any of our time. Unfortunately, that ship appears to be departing regardless of the concerns Alderman Arnett and I have (as the Aldermen with the most marinas), hence this task force to at least make sure we get the information we need.

On other issues, you’ll also notice legislation on outdoor dining. This is a Resolution that would extend outdoor dining and then sunset if my other legislation creating a permitting process for such dining passes.

I also think I promised you some more information on the delegation trip to Sweden. If you have thoughts on how you would like to hear the local lessons or takeaways that I took from that trip, please let me know. I have scheduled a town hall meeting at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library for 6-7:30pm on Monday, December 16th (I apologize for the earlier time, but it appears the library has changed their hours slightly), and I’m thinking I may take the opportunity to go through some pictures and takeaways. I may invite the Mayor to that meeting as well. I have also started writing an op-ed for The Capital. What I’ll say for now is it was entirely worthwhile. We built connections with the State and County, which will prove quite essential as we seek to build a sustainable transportation system over here. I also made the pitch to a Swedish electric boat/ferry company to set up shop in Ward 7’s maritime district. They are looking to set up shop in the States, and obviously Annapolis would be a perfect place given our maritime culture and heritage and fit right into our plans to create a 100% renewable & clean public transportation system. Which, by the way, Stockholm has already accomplished! They are also at over 70% renewable/carbon-free for their entire transportation system in the City, both public and private. That is phenomenal! And quite inspiring! You know what this leads to; cleaner streets, cleaner air, quieter streets, and more people walking and cycling around the City. And when you have more eyes on the street you also make your streets safer, not to mention the increased foot traffic also brings more economic activity. Moving towards a more sustainable, carbon neutral City/society is a smart move for quality of life, healthier living, and a stronger economy.

Happy Halloween! Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 10/28/24 (agenda)

This meeting starts at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

  • O-23-24 - Parking and Towing Regulations - For the purpose of eliminating the requirement that towing companies be within one mile of the City; allowing City contractors to oversee towing; and generally updating parking and towing regulations in Titles 7 and 12.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • R-46-24 - Task Force to Study Residential Marine Vessels - For the purpose of gathering information necessary for the Annapolis City Council to make informed decisions about residential and commercial marine vessels in city waters, creating a task force to investigate three critical areas regarding houseboats, floating homes, and other residential marine vessels: 1) the impact on the city's maritime industry, 2) the advantages and disadvantages to the community, and 3) the impacts on city operations; and requiring the task force to submit a report to the Council for possible action. Alderman Arnett and I have the most marinas between our two Wards. We have introduced this legislation because some of our colleagues have been talking about separate legislation that would modify our code to allow a new type of houseboat, call “Flohom”. Our concerns with these “Flohoms” is that we aren’t sure if they should be considered a maritime use, what their impacts would be on the maritime districts, what impacts there would be on residents, and what the government would need to do as far as inspecting them. Are they charter boats or short term rentals? If the former will they be certified by the coast guard and could any renter take them out, will the renters be trained, and should the City inspect? Or are they short term rentals and should the City inspect them as we do other short term rentals, will there be added staff costs, will this dilute the overall maritime use in the maritime districts (the very purpose of the districts is to prevent such a dilution)? Will this impact our liveaboard population? Will this drive up slip costs for everyone, considering these structures are rented out for $550 a night on Air B&B? And before even getting to these questions, is there even a demonstrated need for these from any marinas besides the investors behind these homes? These are all questions that need to be answered before any legislation is introduced regarding such houseboats. That’s why Alderman Arnett and I are trying to get ahead of this by getting a task force setup to look at these questions. Unfortunately some of our colleagues without maritime districts are looking to put the cart (these flohomes) before the horse (established need/analysis), without respecting the Aldermen whose Wards this would potentially impact the most. All that said, I’m obviously inclined to support this task force pending any comments from you.
  • R-49-24 - The Village at Providence Point Senior Care Development - For the purpose of showing Annapolis City Council support for the Village at Providence Point, a continuing care retirement community approved by the City and the State, but currently facing a legal challenge in the Appellate Court of Maryland.
  • R-50-24 - 2025 Salary Review Commission Members - For the purpose of approving members of the Salary Review Commission established by Resolution 42-24 on September 27, 2024. This is a requirement per our Charter to set up a salary review commission prior to each election. The Council will then take their recommendations and vote up or down on them.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-3-24 - City Council Nominations to Boards, Commissions, and Committees - For the purpose of the members of the City Council to nominate members to boards, commissions, and committees if the position has been vacant, or expired and filled temporarily for more than six months; and generally related to City Council duties. This is legislation that Alderman Arnett and I have introduced. The intention was to close a loophole where, if a Mayor decides to sit on their hands with reappointments or new appointments, that the Council could step in and put forward nominations to ensure the Boards and Commissions are able to continue to operate. However, the administration’s point is that there has rarely been a problem, and they have explained that they do sometimes wait on making reappointments in order to recruit some replacement talent, which can take some time. Given some issues lately with Boards, and some of their glaring lack of diversity of any kind, be it Ward distribution, race, or gender, I do see the value in taking time to transition to new Board memberships, if needed. In light of this, I am reconsidering my position on this legislation.
  • O-16-24 - Special Residential Parking Districts - Permit Renewals - For the purpose of changing when Special Residential Parking District permits need to be renewed; and generally related to parking district fee criteria. I am inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • O-21-24 - Taxicab Driver License Criteria - For the purpose of updating the criteria for a City taxicab driver license; requiring a Class C driver's license from the State instead of a Class D license; requiring a driver-for-hire tag from the State; limiting the size of a taxicab vehicle; and generally dealing with taxicab driver qualifications. I am inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • O-25-24 - Special Residential Parking Districts - Technical Corrections - For the purpose of making technical corrections to parking rules on King George Street and St. John Street, Special Residential Parking District Numbers 2, 3, and 4; removing Calvert Street and St. John's Street from parking District 4; removing North Acton Place and South Acton Place from District 3 and placing those streets in District 2; placing a portion of Shaw Street in District 2; and generally related to City of Annapolis parking. I am inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • R-48-24 - Restaurant Parking Lot Usage Pilot Program Extension for Outdoor Dining - For the purpose of directing the City Manager to extend the Annapolis Outdoor Dining Pilot Program, allowing restaurants to use privately-owned parking lots for outdoor dining for one year or adoption of an outdoor dining ordinance, whichever comes first. This is yet another extension for outdoor dining in the City, which doesn’t yet have a permitting process (hence the need for this Resolution). Alderman Arnett and I just introduced legislation to address this short-coming, so this will sunset if our other legislation passes. I am strongly inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.

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  • Rob Savidge