Lidl update, Council meeting details

Campaign kick-off a success

For those who were able to make it out to the campaign kick-off this past Thursday, thank you! It was a very successful event and it was indeed a pleasure to see everyone again. If you were unable to make it, I'll look forward to catching you at the next fundraiser or town hall meeting. 

Lidl grocery store & C&C liquors site

As you’ll see below, I’m introducing two pieces of legislation that will allow the proposed Lidl grocery store, to be located at the old C&C liquors site in the County, to connect to our City utilities. Now that they have committed to honoring our comprehensive plan and working with the adjacent lot to make a parking lot connection (for the proposed Bay Village Drive connection), I no longer have any reservations about this project.

Previous meeting

At our previous meeting we voted in favor of CA-1-21, which created an Office of Community Services, located under the City Manager's Office.

Read on for a full break-down of our upcoming Council meeting, as well as for details on the latest draft of the Annapolis Comprehensive Plan.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 6/28/21 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, Facebook, and the City website (

The meetings are virtual until July. If you would like to provide live testimony, go to

Anyone needing reasonable accommodation to be able to participate in a public meeting held by the City of Annapolis should contact Regina Watkins-Eldridge at 410.263.7942, by MD Relay (711), or by email at [email protected] at least five days prior to the meeting date to request assistance.

If you are unable to attend, I believe you can still submit public testimony at

Public hearings

  • O-8-21 - Dwellings above nonresidential uses in the PM District - For the purpose of creating standards for dwellings permitted above the ground floor of nonresidential uses in the PM zoning district; and matters generally relating to regulation of such dwellings.
  • O-21-21 - Public Ethics - Statement of Compliance - For the purpose of repealing the requirement to file a Statement of Compliance for certain individuals.
  • O-23-21 - Annapolis Harbor Lines - 222 Severn Avenue - For the purpose of amending the configuration of the Annapolis harbor line outboard of 222 Severn Avenue on Spa Creek; and generally related to said harbor line.

Legislation being introduced on First Reader

  • O-24-21 - Sewer Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a sewer service agreement providing for the extension of City sewer service to certain parcels on Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said sewer service outside the City limits. I am introducing this legislation. It would allow Lidl, which is proposing to build on the old C&C liquors site (County property), to connect to our sewer system.
  • O-25-21 - Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts - Uses - For the purpose of requiring certain annual reporting on maritime and non-maritime uses, providing for certain waterfront access incentives for non-maritime uses, modifying the requirements for certain uses deemed conforming, modifying certain uses for Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts, allowing uses in certain districts subject to standards, modifying off-street parking requirements for certain uses, adding definitions, and generally relating to uses in Waterfront Maritime Zoning Districts. This legislation represents the results of the Maritime Task Force, codifying their recommended changes to the maritime zoning.
  • R-19-21 - Itinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District - 2021 - For the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District in conjunction with certain special events during calendar year 2021.
  • R-20-21 - Water Service Agreement - Lidl US Operations, LLC - For the purpose of authorizing a water service agreement providing for the extension of City water service to certain parcels on the Bay Ridge Road located in Anne Arundel County; and generally relating to providing said water service outside the City limits. I am introducing this legislation. It would allow Lidl, which is proposing to build on the old C&C liquors site (County property), to connect to our water system.
  • R-21-21 - Medicare for All - For the purpose of expressing support for Medicare for All, including expansion of the Medicare for All Act of 2021, H.R. 1976, 117th Cong. (2021-2022); supporting comprehensive healthcare to all U.S. residents; and expressing support for the establishment of a Maryland Commission on Universal Health Care.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-50-20 - Moderately Priced Dwelling Units - For the purpose of updating certain occupancy periods of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units; eliminating variations on defined terms; providing supplemental regulatory authority to the Director of Planning and Zoning; and generally relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This legislation is not substantive and contains corrections to make the code consistent with changes we made previously. In light of this, I intend to vote in favor, pending any comments from you.
  • O-15-21 - Elections - Independent Expenditure Report - For the purpose of requiring the filing of Independent Expenditure Reports; providing reporting procedures and requirements; adopting state provisions; providing certain definitions; providing penalties; and generally relating to Independent Expenditure Reports. This is legislation that was crafted by our Board of Supervisors of Elections and law office. I have introduced it on their behalf. It seeks compliance with State election laws governing Independent Expenditure Reports. It also strengthens our laws to cover independent expenditures (i.e. those not made by campaign entities), to ensure such expenditures must be transparent. If you recall, during the previous City election we had an issue with a very late hit piece that was sent out by an independent entity with no information as to who was funding it or sending it out. This closes that loophole and ensures we have transparency. Pending any comments from you, I intend to vote in favor.


Annapolis 2022 Comprehensive Plan

You can review the latest goals, metrics, and actions here.

Trash collection update

Note that the City Code requires that all trash left at the curb be placed in a refuse container. You cannot leave the plastic bags out on the curb or else you may get fined. If you have any questions, contact the Department of Public Works at 410-263-794

Annapolis Fourth of July celebration details

Have election-related questions?

If you or any voter has any questions or concerns regarding ANYTHING ELECTIONS RELATED, Please go to

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  • Rob Savidge