Odor at WW plant, town hall follow-up

Thank you for attending the town hall meeting this past week. We had a good discussion, though a little less people than usual. I’ll try to get notice out earlier next time. The next town hall will probably be this fall or winter. As I mentioned at the meeting, my understanding is that Taco Bell has withdrawn their application for building at the Giant Shopping Center. We also discussed a Ward 7 profile sheet that describes some changes being proposed for our Ward in the Comprehensive Plan. A big THANK YOU to those of you who helped distribute flyers.

Also, read on if you want to learn about the odor issues emanating from the wastewater treatment plant, items up for a public hearing Monday, memorial day plans, bike to work week, and other Ward 7 updates.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 5/13/24 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at http://www.annapolis.gov/testimony. This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

  • CA-1-24 - Department of Central Services - For the purpose of reconstituting the Department of Central Services
  • O-5-24 - Health and Safety - City of Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act - For the purpose of prohibiting the retail distribution of plastic bags in the City. This is legislation I’ve introduced with a few other sponsors. It is similar to the County’s legislation. There are only three differences between theirs and ours: 1. Ours exempts farmers markets, 2. Ours does NOT exempt schools so they will need to hand out their lunches in paper bags, and 3. Ours requires that paper bags contain at least 50% post-consumer recycled content.
  • O-7-24 - Annual Budget and Appropriation and Property Tax Levy. This will just set the tax rate per the budget (once approved). There is no tax rate increase proposed in the Mayor’s budget, though the Council could propose an increase.
  • O-8-24 - Department of Central Services - For the purpose of reconstituting the Department of Central Services in the City Charter; moving public purchasing duties from the Finance Department to the Department of Central Services, and moving facilities management, fleet operations, and fleet replacement duties from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Central Services; and generally related to Department of Central Services responsibilities.
  • O-9-24 - FY 2025 Changes in Exempt Service Job Classifications - For the purpose of updating the classification grades for City employees in exempt service positions; adding the Director of Central Services to the exempt service classification chart; and generally related to City employee salaries for exempt service positions.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • O-12-24 - Maritime Industry Economic Development Fund - For the purpose of establishing a Maritime Industry Economic Development Fund is to promote, stabilize, and protect the maritime industry in the City of Annapolis; and generally dealing with maritime development in the City.
  • O-13-23 - Planning and Zoning - Expanding Daycare Act - For the purpose of expanding the number of zoning districts where daycare centers are permitted; and generally relate to City of Annapolis zoning.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-3-23 - 2023 Redistricting and Revised 'Election Wards' Boundaries - For the purpose of revising the Annapolis City Council Ward boundaries due to population shifts revealed in the 2020 Census; and generally related to City election wards. This just fully adopts the required Ward re-districting. Minor changes. Ward 7 will change slightly to include Bay Ridge Gardens. I am inclined to vote in favor pending any comments from you.
  • O-3-24 - City Council Nominations to Boards, Commissions, and Committees - For the purpose of the members of the City Council to nominate members to boards, commissions, and committees if the position has been vacant, or expired and filled temporarily for more than six months; and generally related to City Council duties. This still needs to go through Rules & Government Committee. We will likely send it back.
  • O-4-24 - Residency Requirement for Liquor Licensees Repeal - For the purpose of eliminating the residency requirement for receiving a City of Annapolis liquor license in accordance with state law; and generally dealing with license applications. This comes out of State law changes. I’m inclined to support.
  • R-18-24 - Comprehensive Plan Consideration Extension - For the purpose of extending the time that the City Council has to consider the City's comprehensive plan, Annapolis Ahead 2040. I’m inclined to support, pending any comments from you. Staff has been responsive to our requested changes to the Comprehensive Plan.

Community & Political updates

Requests for proposals sought for Carrs/Elktonia Beach Park

Improvements at crosswalk at Giant on Edgewood

After people mentioned to me the issue of cars hitting this crosswalk, I spoke to the City’s Department of Public Works and they are now working with BGE to add a street light and looking at possibly painting the island to make it more visible.

Memorial Day Parade – May 27th

Bike To Work Day May 17th

Dinner under the stars on West St resumes May 18th

Odor issues at wastewater treatment plant

The City and County are aware of the odor issue at the Wastewater treatment plant. While the City and County jointly own this, it is operated by the County. Here is what we were told by the County:

Our primary suspicion is that the overflow ponds are the source of the smell.  Those "surge" ponds are needed when we experience extreme tides and there is infiltration into the sanitary conveyance system.  When the abnormally high flow rates exceed the plant's normal storage and treatment capacity, the excess volume goes to surface ponds until they can be pumped down.

AA County has asked that odor complaints be reported at 410-222-8400.

I will follow-up with them to get an idea of what the solution may be.

Also, there is a community group that has popped up called the Clean Air Action Group of AA County. They have put together an action report of things you can do to help. You can contact Lisa Cullver with that group at [email protected]

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  • Rob Savidge