outdoor dining & postponements, City dock rebuild to PC

There may appear to be a lot on the Council agenda for Monday, but most items are getting postponed due to the Committees needing to finish their work. This includes my short term rental legislation and my gas-powered leaf blower ban. Nothing much to report except that we are once again extending outdoor dining for another year via Resolution, to buy us more time to complete our permanent code changes.

Besides that, the Planning Commission has held their first public hearing on the City Dock reconstruction project. If you support it or have other comments you are able to submit public testimony directly to the Planning Commission or do so in person (virtually) at their next meeting on February 1st.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 1/22/24 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at http://www.annapolis.gov/testimony. This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

  • O-1-24 - City Building Code Updates - For the purpose of adapting the City building codes to Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), Maryland statutes, and Maryland state building requirements and recommendations; integrating the model codes into City Code; modifying state and national recommendations to best fit the local needs of Annapolis; and generally dealing with City Code updates for building and construction.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • R-2-24 - Restaurant Parking Lot Usage Pilot Program Extension for Outdoor Dining - For the purpose of directing the City Manager to extend the Annapolis Outdoor Dining Pilot Program, allowing restaurants to use privately-owned parking lots for outdoor dining for one year. We are looking to extend this to buy us more time to craft permanent changes to our code. We are almost done with that effort.
  • R-3-24 - Sister City Relationship with the City of Yuzhne in Ukraine - For the purpose of authorizing a sister city relationship between the City of Annapolis and the City of Yuzhne in Ukraine.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-29-23 - City Noise Prohibitions and Enforcement - For the purpose of updating the Annapolis City Code noise prohibition section by adding a ban on certain noise in residential areas; expanding enforcement; and generally related to noise prohibitions. This would prohibit the use of gas-powered leaf blowers, high frequency sound emitters (targeting animals or pets), and clarify how enforcement should be done for other violations on the water (such as with loud boats). This is hung up on committee and is delayed due to some scheduling issues. Therefore I’ll be making a motion to postpone action for another 30 days to give the Committees time to conclude their work.
  • O-32-23 - Short-term Rental Licenses and Regulations - For the purpose of clarifying and limiting local eligibility requirements for a short-term rental operator's license; providing definitions; making technical corrections; and generally relating to a rental operator's license. This legislation is also delayed in committee. I will be making a motion to postpone action for probably 60 days as a few committees need to weigh in still.
  • O-34-23 - Street End Park Hours - For the purpose of limiting public access to the City's street end parks at night; updating the City Code for Chambers Park, Amos Garrett Park and Truxtun Park to the same restriction between sunset and sunrise; and generally related to public peace and order. This legislation is also delayed in committee. I’ll be making a motion to postpone Council action for 30 days to give the Committees time to conclude their work.
  • R-51-23 - Fines for Violating Annapolis Noise Restrictions - For the purpose of increasing the fine for repeat violations of the City of Annapolis noise restrictions; and generally dealing with public peace and order section of the City Code. This is the sister Resolution to O-29-23 and will share its fate (postponement).
  • R-61-23 - Budget Process Timeline for Fiscal Year 2025 - For the purpose of approving a timeline for the Fiscal Year 2025 budget development and approval process. This timeline has worked well for us over the past few years so I’m inclined to continue supporting it.

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City Seeks Volunteers to Serve on “Annapolis 250” Commission

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  • Rob Savidge