I recently returned from our City-County-State delegation visit to Sweden, to learn about sustainable mobility and carbon reduction approaches. They are, by far, the world leaders on those topics. We also visited an electric boat manufacturer which I am hoping will open up shop here in Ward 7. I have a lot to say about this trip and will post more next week. But for now, I point you to the County Executive’s weekly letter: Swedish Inspiration. I apologize for not getting you more information now, but I am feeling under the weather and am late enough with getting this newsletter out.
In other news, last week the Environmental Matters Committee discussed our ban on gas-powered leaf blowers. This was a long requested piece of legislation, as people have grown quite fed up with the noise and bad air they create, and I’m proud to say that we are among the early adopters in the State. Besides Montgomery County and DC, Baltimore City just adopted a similar prohibition. Our law takes effect January 1st. What the Committee delved into was our enforcement process, as well as discussing a transition assistance program that we will provide to local businesses and residents to help ease the monetary cost. These are both in development so I’ll send you more at a later date.
That’s all for now. Happy for the beautiful weather but wish I felt better!
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Next Council meeting – 10/14/24 (agenda)
This meeting starts at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website. You can submit public testimony at http://www.annapolis.gov/testimony. This will be an in-person meeting.
Public Hearings
No legislation is up for a public hearing.
Legislation being introduced on first reader
- O-10-24 - Outdoor Dining Requirements in Annapolis – This is legislation I am co-sponsoring with Alderman Arnett and Alderwoman O’Neal. At this point, the only reason restaurants are allowed to have outdoor dining is because we have been authorizing it every year or so via Resolution. The problem with this is there are no real requirements as we are just giving businesses blanket approval. What this legislation would do is create a regulatory regime for rooftop dining, street cafes, sidewalk cafes, and seasonal parking lot dining. This is seasonal parking lot dining only. We can’t deal with permanent parking lot outdoor dining until we deal with our parking requirements. This particular issue will be addressed in separate legislation.
- O-23-24 - Parking and Towing Regulations - For the purpose of eliminating the requirement that towing companies be within one mile of the City; allowing City contractors to oversee towing; and generally updating parking and towing regulations in Titles 7 and 12. This just tweaks our towing code to allow for easier enforcement.
- R-46-24 - Task Force to Study Residential Marine Vessels - For the purpose of creating a task force to research and make recommendations for the City of Annapolis' policy, law, and regulations on residential marine vessels. We have received some requests to adjust our code governing houseboats, because there are a few marina owners interested in allowing house barges that are also able to be chartered and/or rented on a short-term rental basis. We don’t know the extent of these requests, the need for any changes, the economic impacts to our marinas, or the impacts to our maritime industry. In an effort to determine this, we will be introducing this legislation to set up a task force to consider these things and give us recommendations. However, I have noticed some issues in this Resolution so we may be removing it from the agenda and reintroducing it at our next meeting.
- R-48-24 - Restaurant Parking Lot Usage Pilot Program Extension for Outdoor Dining - For the purpose of directing the City Manager to extend the Annapolis Outdoor Dining Pilot Program, allowing restaurants to use privately-owned parking lots for outdoor dining for one year or adoption of an outdoor dining ordinance, whichever comes first.
There is no legislation up for First Reader. This is legislation Alderman Arnett and I are introducing that basically bridges the gap between now and when/if our associated permanent outdoor dining legislation (O-10-24) take effect.
Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)
- O-13-24 - Planning and Zoning - Expanding Daycare Act - For the purpose of expanding the number of zoning districts where daycare centers are permitted; and generally relate to City of Annapolis zoning. I’m inclined to support this, pending any input from you.
- O-17-24 - Elections - Definitions - For the purpose of updating the definitions in Title 4, Elections. I’m inclined to support this, pending any input from you.
- O-18-24 - Elections - Mail-in Voting - For the purpose of replacing the entire Annapolis City Code chapter on absentee voting with state-required mail-in voting standards set in the Election Law Article of the Maryland Code; and generally related to mail-in voting. I’m inclined to support this, pending any input from you.
- O-19-24 - Elections - Ballot Questions - For the purpose of updating the procedures for ballot questions that may be requested for the 2025 election and beyond. Note that this allows for ballot questions to be added, but they are NOT binding on the City Council. I’m inclined to support this, pending any input from you.
- O-26-24 - City of Annapolis Purchasing and Procurement - For the purpose of updating the procurement chapter of the City Code; increasing micro purchase and small procurement limits; clarifying language; copyediting and format changes; and generally dealing with Title 6 purchasing and procurement rules. I’m inclined to support this, pending any input from you.
- R-14-24 - City of Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act Fines - For the purpose of establishing fines required by the adoption of Ordinance 5-24, Health and Safety - City of Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act. This adopts the same citation/fine regime that was adopted by the County. The intent is to ensure we can fine grocery stores who may violate our plastic bag reduction act. I’m strongly inclined to support, pending input from you.
- R-38-24 - Condemnation and Possession of Real Property at 245 West Street - For the purpose of authorizing the condemnation and possession of real property at 245 West Street in the City of Annapolis; removing a severe public health and safety hazard related to a blighted and vacant lot; and working toward construction of affordable housing on the same blighted and vacant lot. I am inclined to support this, pending any input from you. This gas station site has become derelict, and I would prefer for another use besides a gas station. Ideally a mix of housing and open space, or just a park. I think this will likely get either withdrawn or postponed, given that the property is supposedly under contract for redevelopment.
- R-45-24 - Procurement Fees Related to ? 6.08.330 - For the purpose of adding fees related to purchasing and procurement chapter of Title 6 into the annual Fees Schedule. This just adds an existing fee that is in our code into our fee schedule. I’m inclined to support, pending input from you.
Community & Political updates
Annapolis Transit Development Plan community survey
Please take some time to complete this survey about our transit services. What do you like? What would like to see more of? Electric transition? Different routes?
Forest Drive Safety Improvements – short-term recommendations implementation
Anne Arundel County DPW is starting the implementation process for some of the recommendations from the recently completed corridor safety study. Some of the short-term items have already been completed.
The webpage for the capital project being utilized for implementation of these items is live and has a link to a matrix of the short-term recommendations from the study. This matrix shows the status of each item, anticipated timelines (as feasible), and the agencies responsible for completing the work. Please visit https://www.aacounty.org/public-works/engineering/capital-projects?projectNumber=H592101.
You can also find this webpage by doing the following:
- Visit https://www.aacounty.org/public-works
- On the left side of the page, select "Bureau of Engineering"
- Near the bottom of the following page, select "Capital Projects"
- On the following page, select "Roads and Bridges"
- In the project listing, enter "Forest Dr" into the filter search box, and select the project "Forest Dr Safety Improvements - Phase 1" (project #H592101).
They are in the early stages of planning for implementation of mid- and long-term recommendations from the study. As more information becomes available, we will share it with you. Contact is Adam Greenstein, 443-569-9587, [email protected].
Knighton, Gott’s Court Garages Now Feature Gateless Technology for Enhanced Customer Experience
Fall Festivals and Events Usher in Autumn in Annapolis
- November 3 - First Sunday Arts on Inner West Street from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Road closures and parking restrictions on West Street and Calvert Street from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.innerweststreetannapolis.com/first-sunday-arts-festivals.
- Saturday, October 19 - Community Rummage Sale at Pip Moyer Recreation Center from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more information, visit www.annapolis.gov/189/Recreation-Parks.
- Sunday, October 20 - Maryland Avenue Fall Festival from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit www.mascma.com. Road closure and parking restrictions on Maryland Avenue from State Circle to Cumberland Court. Prince George Street remains open.
- Saturday, October 26 - Day of the Dead at Maryland Hall from 3 to 8 p.m. For more information, visit www.annapolis.gov/1412/Juntos-con-Annapolis.
- Sunday, October 27 - Crab Cake Haunt from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Road closures and parking restrictions on Annapolis Street and Giddings Avenue from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
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