Rob --
Sorry about getting this out late, busy Earth Day weekend and, more importantly, my wife’s birthday weekend!
Penguin Swim team update
As I mentioned in my last email, Recreation & Parks is only offering the Penguins swim team 4 lanes this year for their practices. The issues with this is that it leads to very crowded swim lanes, which is a safety issue as well as makes circle swimming very difficult. Recreation & Parks started negotiating with the team, regarding a contract for this summer, back in October, and they had a draft contract in February (for 5 lanes) that the City had agreed to. However, they put it on hold and then abruptly backed out of that draft contract in March, upending the team plans. Changing things at this last minute makes it difficult for everyone, the team and Rec & Parks, and I maintain that it would be much better for all to simply honor the contract for this summer and work out a solution for next year in the fall. The Resolution is an attempt to bring some solution to the table, as the City Manager’s office was unable to do so on their own.
If you have had kids who have gone through this program, or if you yourself have gone through it, please consider showing up to testify on Monday (7pm at 160 Duke of Gloucester St) or submit your testimony at
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Next Council meeting – 4/24/23 (agenda)
This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website. You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.
Public Hearings
- O-14-23 – FY24 City budget
Legislation being introduced on first reader
- O-16-23 - Annapolis City Council - Remote Meeting Attendance - For the purpose of allowing City Council members to participate in Council and Standing Committee meetings remotely; eliminating the five-day prior notice requirement; changing certain criteria; and generally related to City Council meeting attendance.
- O-17-23 - Administration - Requiring the City Manager to Provide Staffing Impact Statements on Pending Legislation - For the purpose of requiring staffing reports on charter amendments, ordinances, and resolutions that include the impact of the legislation on staffing levels and duties; changing the time when staff report must be ready; and generally related to the City Council's rules of procedure. For some reason this legislation is not posted in our system, so I’m not prepared to vote on it at the moment, even for introduction, until I have read it.
- R-27-23 - Support for Anne Arundel County's Free Gun Locks Program - For the purpose of expressing Council support for Anne Arundel County's first in-the-state pilot program providing up to two gun locks to adult county residents.
Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)
- CA-2-22 - Board of Supervisors of Election - For the purpose of expanding the Board of Supervisors of Elections from three members to five members. I would like to withdraw this legislation. We have another board that will be reviewing this issue, among others, and I also have changing thoughts on how to best expand the board.
- O-9-23 - Adequate Public Facilities - Mitigation of Police Protection Level Certification Requirements - For the purpose of adding a mitigation section for the Adequate Police Protection criteria and certification criteria set in Chapter ? 22.14; and generally related to Review Criteria and Certification for Adequate Police Protection under Adequate Public Facilities in Title 22. After the Eastport Shopping Center case, it was determined by the judge that our current police Adequate Public Facilities standard was not sufficient or being met, in that it required a certain number of police officers per 1,000 residents, which we have not been able to meet due to difficulties recruiting officers nationally. In the past, the requirement was interpreted to only meaning we had to fund a certain number of positions, not fill them. The judge disagreed and so this Ordinance creates a new way for development projects to meet their police APF: they can contribute to public security improvements and/or to social services enhancements, at the discretion of the Chief and City Manager. I am a firm believer that we need social services to get at the root causes of crime, and this would help us do that, without losing site of ensuring we have enough police or other technology to respond to security issues. I intend to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
- O-11-23 - Changes to the Resilience Authority of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County - For the purpose of conforming the City's Resilience Authority law with Anne Arundel County changes: to stagger resilience authority member terms; to make the resilience authority director an Anne Arundel County employee; to change how the authority's Chief Financial Officer is appointed; to alter reporting requirements; and generally relating to the Resilience Authority of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. I intend to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
- O-55-22 - Sediment Control Inspections Process, Fees, and Milestone Inspections - For the purpose of adding conditions for reinspection; creating milestone inspections; adjusting buildings and construction fees to pay for inspector positions; updating the format of these sections; and generally related to grading, erosion and sediment control inspections. I am the primary sponsor of this legislation. Coming out of some of the sediment control violation issues over the past few years, I’m trying to strengthen our inspection process as well as create a new fee for contractors to pay. As the sponsor, I’m strongly inclined to vote in favor, pending any comments from you.
- R-18-23 - Non-Profit Vendors During Fall 2023 Boat Shows - For the purpose of authorizing sales by certain vendors in the City Dock area of the Historic District during the Fall 2023 U.S. Sailboat and Powerboat Shows. I’m inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
- R-24-23 - Support for Penguins Swim Team Practices and Meets at Kenneth R. Dunn Municipal Swimming Pool - For the purpose of acknowledging the importance of a city-supported swim team; commending the City of Annapolis Penguins Swim Team efforts as they practice at the Kenneth R. Dunn Municipal Pool at Truxton Park; and indicating City Council support for dedicated swim practice time for the Penguins Swim Team. As the primary sponsor on this legislation, I’m strongly inclined to support, pending any comments from you on the matter.
Community & Political updates
Transportation Board opening
The City’s Transportation Board has the following duties:
To provide informed analysis of the facts relating to transportation matters affecting the City and all transportation matters pending before the City Council or before any City agency, board or commission; to recommend to the Mayor and City Council, a comprehensive transportation master plan for the City; to provide oversight, guidance, and expertise in the planning of comprehensive traffic, transit, and parking policies.
If you are interested in serving, please contact [email protected].
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