A note about many of these amendments: when I mention "one-time use money", that is a pool of money we can use on one time expenses, but not on recurring expenses, because we don't know if it'll be there in future years. This amount fluctuates every fiscal year. None of this would require a tax increase, though the forestry program one would increase our stormwater fee by roughly $3 per quarter. In my mind, that $3 is worth it in order to increase our tree canopy, which would have incredible benefits to our water quality and every day lives by providing shade, clean air, and improved aesthetics.
- Additional social worker in Office of Community Caring - Shift funding from one un-filled APD officer position to Office of Community Services for an additional social worker position. Shift money for one officer. Rationale: For my past 6 years on the Council we have never been able to fill all of our vacant officer positions (usually around 10 or so). Rather than have that money sit unused, I’m proposing to put it to good use for our City. ~$144,800 (salaries and benefits for officer)
- Dedicated funding source for urban forestry program - Raise the Watershed Restoration Fun/Stormwater fee to be and include a dedicated revenue stream to fund our urban forestry program in order to meet our tree canopy goal as approved in the Comp Plan. We will miss our adopted target (50% by 2035) because it hasn’t been funded with needed tree plantings and maintenance, and even if we do the plantings over the next few years the trees simply can’t grow quickly enough. Environmental Matters Committee discussed this proposal and staff developed plan based on this. Proposal to include cost for tree planting, tree maintenance, and additional staff. Costs to be phased in. First year staffing up and setting groundwork with subsequent years starting to ramp up plantings in early years to ensure adequate canopy by target year. Initial year’s cost is $355,000. Will raise the stomwater fee by approximately $3 per quarter for typical residential user.
- Vehicular noise camera - Funding for a vehicular noise camera to allow for ticketing of loud vehicles on Tyler Ave. To include sign indicating “quiet street” from dusk to dawn. $125,000 one time use
- AI street camera monitoring feasibility - Use one-time-use money ($50,000) to hire a consultant to study the feasibility and cost of setting up an AI street camera monitoring system. Rationale: APD is looking to hire/keep a total of 4 camera monitoring staff. Rather than have to rely on humans to monitor cameras, or not monitor cameras, it makes sense to me to have AI monitor it 24/7, with camera officers investigating when things get tagged.
- BayWoods Bembe Beach Rd Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk Signal - $6500 for planning, $7500 for design, $75000 for construction, $4250 for City overhead. Costs from DPW. $93,250 Bond funding for new CIP
- Forest Drive re-envisioning study - $250,000 of one-time-use money to hire a consultant to do a "road diet" assessment/study of Forest Drive in order to make it safer with more efficient traffic flow. This is our most dangerous road in the City. Area of focus would be from Arundel on the Bay Rd to 665. The study would first look at the feasibility converting intersections to roundabouts in order to improve traffic flow and safety. It would also look to the feasibility of adjusting the entire layout of Forest Drive, which could include options such as: reducing the number of lanes (from 5 to 3), having an inner express lane and outer local lanes, taking out two lanes and adding either inner or outer bus express lanes with possible future conversion to street cars. Possible opportunity to partner with County to increase/decrease the amount of allocated funds. Possible public hearings to be later once feasible alternatives are narrowed down.
Mini-roundabout feasibility study - $100,000 of one-time-use money to get feasibility and concept (possibly plans) for mini traffic circles for our streets to address safety and efficiency. (see this example of a VDOT mini-roundabout and this FHA article) To include the following intersections:
- Georgetown Rd and Victor Parkway
- Compromise St and Duke of Gloucester St (with potential to make Duke of Gloucester two-way if we decide to do that)
- Bay Ridge Ave and Chesapeake (or Sixth St)
- Primrose Ct, Primrose Rd, and Pump House Rd (will need to be a complete reconfiguration)
CIP text amendments:
- Page 19, line 5 of Project Description, after “for a” add “separate bike path or”.
- Page 20, at end of Project Description, add “Extent of work to be coordinated with the Bay Ridge Avenue Bikeway CIP to possibly include a bike lane or shared use path. At a minimum, the new sidewalk should be at least 5’ wide.
- Page 51, at end of Project Description, add “The installation of street trees will also be evaluated.”
- Page 70, change title to “Traffic signal OR CIRCLE and safety improvements…”. At the end of Project Description, add “This study will also develop a concept to determine the feasibility of installing a traffic circle at the intersections of Primrose and Tyler Ave, Hilltop & Spa Rd, and Gemini and Hilltop Rd.”
- Page 71, change title to “Traffic Signal Rehabilitation AND REPLACEMENT WITH CIRCLES”. At end of Project Description, add “The feasibility of installing micro traffic circles or larger circles at intersections will also be evaluations. If traffic signals are evaluated for rehabilitation, it will also be evaluated as to whether or not new sensor technology should or could be included to provide for safer pedestrian and cycling traffic on-demand or real-time.”
- Carrs Beach Annexation costs - I’d like to earmark $100,000 of one-time-use money to be used as needed to assist with the annexation or utility hookups of the Carrs Beach Rd properties.
- Reusable bags - $5,000 of one-time-use funds to purchase reusable bags for distribution to lower income residents.
- Traffic Engineer name change - Change title of DPW Traffic Engineer position to Sustainable Mobility Engineer
- Fund transition to more equitable ERU model for our WRF/Stormwater Fee - $25,000 of one-time-use funds to fund necessary resources/contracting to shift to a fully ERU-based WRF/Stormwater fee (the Equivalent Residential Unit model is more equitable, allowing us to charge a fee based on actual impervious surface, so larger users will pay more)
- Link stormwater BMP database with WRF database - $15,000 of one-time-use funds to link stormwater BMP database with the WRF database to allow for identification of properties that have active and maintained BMPs.
- Re-locate pedestrian planner - Move new Pedestrian Planner position to P&Z rather than ADOT. ADOT has not incorporated pedestrian and cycle mobility into their goals and mission. For such a position to work, the mission of pedestrian and cycling mobility needs to be incorporated into the Department. Planning & Zoning already works on such projects and would be a better home for this position.
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