First of all, since we are getting closer to December 16th, I wanted to remind you that we are having a Ward 7 Town Hall that day at 6:00pm at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck library. I’ll be presenting on local lessons drawn from our work-study to Sweden that was on Sustainable Transportation in particular. The Mayor may be joining us as well. After this the meeting will be opened up into a general Q&A Town Hall. I could really use help distributing flyers, so if you have the time and inclination to leave them on the doors of your neighbor’s houses, please let me know and I’ll ensure you get some flyers to distribute. Ideally I’d like to get them out this weekend or early next week so people have ample notification of the meeting.
In other news for Monday, we will be voting on a Resolution that would delay the enforcement of our gas-powered leaf blower ban. I want to be clear: this is not a step back from that ban. It’s clear that this is the direction the public wants to go. What this is, is an effort to respond to some concerns we have heard about the financial transition to electric equipment, so we are working on securing funds and setting up a program to administer a voucher or rebate program to assist residents and local landscaping companies. But we need time to get this set up. So the ban will still go into effect January 1st but the enforcement, as far as fines, will be delayed. If you do notice violations, please take pictures of the company or individual in question, email them to [email protected] and City staff will reach out to them to help educate them about the law and our transition assistance program.
Also, my Fair Cannabis Employment Ordinance is up for public hearing. More information on that below. Lastly, my legislation that would prohibit new drive-thrus will be up for a final vote. I’ve posted closing comments on that below, but suffice it to say that my intention is to build a more sustainable, safe, and accessible community for all. I’ll explain more below.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Next Council meeting – 12/9/24 (agenda)
This meeting starts at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website. You can submit public testimony at This will be an in-person meeting.
Public Hearings
- CA-2-24 - FY 2025 City of Annapolis Departmental Reorganization - For the purpose of recreating the Department of Human Resources; creating the Department of Integrated Technology Solutions; reassigning certain duties; and all matters generally related to such departmental reorganization. This essentially just officially changes two Offices into Departments, which we have already done as far as the budget, so this has no fiscal impact. I also have an amendment that would change the current practice, which is to have our Council Compensation Commission (set up every 4 years) determine the executive pay scale that the Mayor then uses to determine the pay of the City Manager. I feel this should be set by the Council via the executive pay scale we approve and not by the commission or Mayor alone.
- O-34-24 - FY 2025 Changes in Exempt Service Job Classifications - For the purpose of updating the classification grades for City employees in exempt service positions; and generally related to City employee salaries for exempt service positions. This sets the pay scale for the exempt employees (i.e. Directors).
- O-35-24 - Fair Cannabis Employment Practices- For the purpose of updating the City of Annapolis employment policy as a result of the State legalizing cannabis use and possession on July 1, 2023, and generally related to city employment policy. As I stated last week, this is legislation I’ve introduced that would align with a policy approach taken by Governor Moore in Executive Order 01.01.2023.16. From my sponsor’s summary: “This ordinance seeks to ensure fair and equitable workplace policies regarding cannabis use, protecting employees' rights and promoting a just and inclusive community.” The problem I’m seeking to solve is that City employees can be immediately terminated or have to be subjected to a full drug rehabilitation program, for utilizing a medically and recreationally legal substance---cannabis---while off duty. This is largely due to the test the City utilizes, urine analysis, which can detect cannabis in your system going back as far as a few months prior, which obviously would have no impact on actual job performance and have no correlation to actual impairment. The fact that someone could lose their entire professional career for something they did legally and responsibly while off duty seems fundamentally wrong to me. Not to mention how it unfairly limits our pool of potential employees. This will still prohibit on-the-job impairment and drug use. This legislation would also exempt any positions where it’s required by federal or state law to be tested for cannabis.
Legislation being introduced on first reader
- O-33-24 - Appeals Process for Property Development in Annapolis - For the purpose of eliminating the temporary stop on development, construction or other project work, called a "stay," while a Department of Planning and Zoning or Department of Public Works decision regarding building and construction developments is being challenged in Circuit Court; and generally dealing with the appeals process in Titles 17 and 21 of the City Code. This legislation proposes to clarify that for the impacted Chapters that in the scenario of any appeals to a State Court, a “stay” or “halt” on construction is not automatic. I don’t believe this conflicts with my recently passed code change regarding Forest Conservation appeals. The legislation also sets a clear timeframe within which the City Board of Appeals must hold a hearing on an appeal—within 45 days of the filing date. This reduces the time and cost.
- R-57-24 - Annual Meeting and Tourism Industry Reception Fee Wavier - For the purpose of identifying the Annual Meeting and Tourism Industry Reception that will be held on January 28, 2025, as a Special Event and waiving certain City of Annapolis fees for services related to that event. I believe we have passed something similar for the previous two years. This would waive fees up to $3,253.
Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)
- O-6-24 - City-wide Prohibition on New Drive-through Windows - For the purpose of prohibiting new drive-through window facilities that allow people to remain in vehicles while receiving products or services; eliminating City Code references to drive-through windows and facilities; and generally related to drive-through facilities in Annapolis. This legislation would prevent any NEW drivethrus from being constructed, but would grandfather existing ones. You can view my detailed position statement here, but what I'll say in brief is that we as a City have set a goal to build community. A key part of building community is having a people-centric approach to development and planning, and not development that focuses on automobiles. Having a focus on people means having developments that emphasize safety, clean air, active transportation for those that are able, accessibility for those who aren’t, and a more vibrant economy that comes along with such a focus. THAT is building community in my mind. NOT building parking lots and drivethru queues made of asphalt that serve only a minority in automobiles. As you can probably tell, I’m strongly inclined to support, but if you have thoughts to the contrary, please send them and I’ll give them consideration.
- O-11-24 - Tenant Displacement Fund - For the purpose of establishing a fund for providing assistance to tenants who are displaced when rental units are deemed unfit for human habitation by the City; basing funding for tenants on specific criteria; and generally related to emergency housing needs in the City of Annapolis. I suspect this will be postponed. My understanding is that it needs some amendments drafted to address some issues raised by the law office.
- O-12-24 - Maritime Industry Economic Development Fund - For the purpose of establishing a Maritime Industry Economic Development Fund is to promote, stabilize, and protect the maritime industry in the City of Annapolis; and generally dealing with maritime development in the City. This fund was supposed to be set up decades ago, but never was, so we are correcting that mistake with this. The purpose of the fund is to promote, stabilize, and protect the maritime industry in the City of Annapolis. The source of funds are the current fees associated with non-maritime uses within our maritime districts. Pending input from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
- R-51-24 - 2024 Go Bowling Military Bowl Parade and Football Game - For the purpose of identifying the Go Bowling Military Bowl Parade and Football Game that will be held on December 28, 2024, as a Major Special Event; and waiving charges for specific City of Annapolis costs related to city. This would waive up to $15k in fees. I’m inclined to support this given that the money goes towards a non-profit.
- R-55-24 - Budget Process Timeline for Fiscal Year 2026 - For the purpose of approving a timeline for the Fiscal Year 2026 budget development and approval process. I’m inclined to support this, pending input from you.
- R-56-24 - 2025 Salary Review Commission Members Updated - For the purpose of adding a member to the Salary Review Commission established by Resolution 42-24 on September 27, 2024. This just adds another member to this commission. I’m inclined to support this, pending input from you.
- R-58-24 - Postponing Enforcement of the Ban on Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers - For the purpose of directing the City Manager to postpone enforcement of the ban on gas-powered leaf blowers in the City of Annapolis pursuant to O-28-23 until June 1, 2025, due to the need for residents and businesses to transition to electric leaf blowers and the time required to establish a voucher program; and generally related to the City's noise prohibitions. This would not delay the ban but would only delay the enforcement aspect (i.e. fines). We need more time to develop the rebate/voucher program and get someone to administer it. We are trying to develop this program in response to some concerns we have heard from the public, but I still maintain that the overwhelming majority of comments I have received have been in support of the ban on these loud, very polluting, disruptive, and harmful pieces of equipment. Obviously I’m strongly inclined to support, pending input from you.
Community & Political updates
City of Annapolis ‘Plastic Bag Reduction Act’ Goes Into Effect January 22, 2025
Press Release: Introducing SnowPaths: Annapolis’ New Service for Snowplow Tracking
Mayor Buckley on the Passing of Vincent Leggett
You my have seen that Vince Leggett, Executive Director of Blacks of the Chesapeake, has passed away. This is an incredible loss for Ward 7. He was instrumental in getting the Carrs/Elktonia Beach property preserved for public use. He will be missed but he has left quite a legacy.
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