vote on garage & city dock replacement

Good morning!

Hillman Garage & City Dock replacement projects

Tomorrow we will be voting on a Resolution that would express Council support for the execution of the concession agreement with Annapolis Mobility and Resilience Partners, LLC (AMRP) to finance, design, build, operate, and maintain a new parking garage at 150 Gorman Street, the location of the current Hillman Garage. The new garage will expand parking spaces from 525 spaces [CORRECTION – 425 spaces] in the current garage to 590 spaces, and will include improvements such as electric vehicle chargers, gateless entry and exit, robust stormwater management, and parking space availability information. In this scenario, the private partners would be taking on the debt and risk of constructing the new garage, and they would be paying off that debt through the future garage and parking fees. The City would essentially get a payment in lieu of these fees to cover the lost revenue on our end. I have given this considerable thought and I do currently support the proposed public-private partnership. Besides all of the experts on staff and hired by staff being in agreement that this is a good deal, one of the things that helped convince me was when I factored in the point that we really can’t afford to do both the City garage and City dock redevelopment (to adapt to sea level rise) on our own utilizing City bonds. Just one of those projects would put us over our debt ceiling. While I’m sure we will get some help from the State and possibly federal governments, their help likely won’t change this fact. Furthermore, this P3 structure places most of the risk with the private partnership, not with the City or taxpayers.

Campaign to save Carr's Beach in Ward 7

Here is an article by the former Capital Gazette editor-in-chief Rick Hutzell regarding the effort to save Carr's Beach in Ward 7. This is something we have been working on for a while now, so thanks to all of you who have been advocating. Please reach out to your State representatives to ask them to continue fighting for money to help accomplish this goal of preservation.

Hillman Garage Closing for Rebuild in Late March 2022

New Website to Guide Residents and Visitors. Provides Information on Parking and Transit Options.

Re-districting of Ward boundaries

Brooks Debose with The Capital has spoken to his editor and they are allowing their stories on the Ward re-districting efforts to be available to the public free-of-charge. So please review and send any comments to the re-districting committee.

Annapolis redistricting task force seeks voter input in first public hearing

Annapolis task force releases three draft redistricting maps for public feedback

Annapolis residents weigh in on proposed ward redistricting maps at public hearing

Environmental internships available

The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the Chesapeake Research Consortium's C-StREAM paid internships provide interns with a $6,000 stipend, a $1,000 housing and transportation allowance, as well as funding for professional development activities such as conferences, training, supplies, and travel which can be extended throughout the following school year! Contact Randy Rowell for more information.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Virtual Council meeting – 2/28/22 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, Facebook, and the City website (

Anyone needing reasonable accommodation to be able to participate in a public meeting held by the City of Annapolis should contact Regina Watkins-Eldridge at 410.263.7942, by MD Relay (711), or by email at [email protected] at least five days prior to the meeting date to request assistance. You can submit public testimony at and sign up for live testimony.

Public hearings

  • R-9-22 - Annapolis Parking Concession Agreement - Hillman Garage - For the purpose of expressing City Council support for the execution of the Annapolis Parking Concession Agreement for certain City-owned property known as the Hillman Garage parking facility, between Annapolis Mobility and Resilience Partners, LLC and the City of Annapolis. 

Legislation being introduced on First Reader

  • O-10-22 - Peddlers, Hawkers, and Itinerant Merchants - Time Restrictions - For the purpose of modifying the time period during which certain peddlers, hawkers, and itinerant merchants may conduct licensed activities. Changes the time they can start from 8am to 6am.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-1-22 - Fire Prevention Code - Sprinkler Systems - For the purpose of requiring property owners to install sprinkler systems; encouraging property owners to solicit bids from licensed minority business enterprises; identifying loan eligibility requirements under the sprinkler assistance revolving fund; clarifying costs that may be funded; establishing a loan amount; identifying loan repayment criteria; setting a date for sprinkler installation compliance; identifying the responsibility of applicable property owners; identifying the appropriate body for appeals; and generally relating to the Fire Prevention Code. This would require that sprinklers be installed on Commercial businesses on two streets in the Historic District, as long as there is a lateral water line, within 3-5 years of passage of this Ordinance. Pending any comments from you, I intend to support this legislation.
  • O-3-22 - New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, d/b/a AT&T Mobility Corporation - Lease Agreement - For the purpose of approving the lease for certain City-owned property within the City of Annapolis between New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, d/b/a AT&T Mobility Corporation and the City of Annapolis; and matters generally relating to said Lease Agreement. This provides approval for a new lease of City utility poles, streetlight poles, and other facilities for placement of small-cell antennas. Pending any comments from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
  • O-5-22 - Public Services - Water and Sewer - For the purpose of clarifying who may tap or connect with a public sewer, water main, or stormwater line; providing for a qualified laboratory to sample and test a water line for chlorine or bacteria in certain circumstances; updating certain terms; requiring individual water meters for certain commercial units; requiring individual sewer cleanouts for dwelling and commercial units; and generally relating to public water and sewer services. Pending any comments from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
  • O-7-22 - Rental Operator's License - For the purpose of clarifying the eligibility requirements for a short-term rental operator's license; providing certain definitions; making technical corrections; and generally relating to a rental operator's license. The legislative intent of this ordinance is to ensure that the City Code’s stipulation that a short-term rental licensee may not hold more than one license is enforceable without loopholes. Pending any comments from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
  • R-34-21 - Fiscal Year 2022 Fees Schedule - Building Code – This Resolution modifies fees pursuant to the Building Code so that work with an estimated value of up to $500 will be charged a $100 application fee and a $150 permit fee. Currently, there is no fee for work with an estimated value below $500. These small projects require as much staff time for processing and inspection as other projects with a value up to $25,000. Additionally, the fee for filing an appeal to the Building Board of Appeals will increase from $250 to $450 to reflect the increased staff cost of managing these appeals through the process. As I said previously, I wasn’t so sure about increasing the fee for appeals. Staff said that no matter the type of appeal, even for low valued projects, it still costs them their time. I looks like the Finance Committee is proposing an amendment that would make a cheaper, lower grade appeal. Pending your comments, I’ll likely support the amendment and then the legislation.
  • R-8-22 - Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Guns or Ammunition - For the purpose of expressing support for Anne Arundel County Bill No. 108-21 concerning preparation and distribution of literature to purchasers of guns or ammunition. This Resolution expresses support for legislation before the County Council. We typically don’t get involved with County legislation, but in this case the County Health Department provides services within the City yet is not under our authority. I am a co-sponsor of this legislation. Pending any comments from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
  • R-9-22 - Annapolis Parking Concession Agreement - Hillman Garage - For the purpose of expressing City Council support for the execution of the Annapolis Parking Concession Agreement for certain City-owned property known as the Hillman Garage parking facility, between Annapolis Mobility and Resilience Partners, LLC and the City of Annapolis. This would express Council support for the execution of the concession agreement with Annapolis Mobility and Resilience Partners, LLC (AMRP) to finance, design, build, operate, and maintain a new parking garage at 150 Gorman Street, the location of the current Hillman Garage. (See my additional comments earlier under the public hearings section) Pending input from you, I’m inclined to support this legislation.
  • R-10-22 - Itinerant Merchant Sales in the Historic District - 2022 - For the purpose of authorizing hawker, peddler, and itinerant merchant sales in the Historic District in conjunction with certain special events during calendar year 2022. I’m inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • R-11-22 - Non-Profit Vendors During Fall 2022 Boat Shows - For the purpose of authorizing sales by certain vendors in the City Dock area of the Historic District during the Fall 2022 U.S. Sailboat and Powerboat Shows. I’m inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.
  • R-12-22 - Racism - Discrimination and Intolerance - For the purpose of joining the Caucus of African American Leaders in condemning all acts of racism and the many forms of discrimination and intolerance that have deprived people of their human rights. I’m inclined to support this legislation, pending any comments from you.

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  • Rob Savidge