Ward7 townhall on Comp Plan Wed

Town Hall meeting on 2040 Comprehensive Plan

This Wednesday there will be a public meeting on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan draft. I encourage you to take a look and review this plan as this will have impacts on our Ward for the next 15 years, guiding what type of development (or preservation) happens where. Once your comments are received, the plan will go to the Planning Commission for review, and then it will come to the City Council for a final vote, remand, disproval, or amendments. The meeting will be this Wednesday (July 12th) at 6pm at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library. This will be a joint Wards 7 & 8 meeting.

Public Safety Update

I have submitted a request to our Police Department to send me a list of all the incidents of gunfire for the past two years, indicating their causes and including any policy recommendations they may have. I’ve also done the same as far as all of the homicides for the past two years. My goal is to get the data on the causes of these shootings to see what we, the Council, may be able to do to address the gun violence. This will help us determine if we need to try to hire more police officers, increase our social worker presence, pay for more recreational opportunities, or fund more conflict resolution.

Stay healthy and stay safe,


Next Council meeting – 7/10/23 (agenda)

This Council meeting is starting at 7pm and will be televised on local cable, YouTube, Facebook, and the City website.  You can submit public testimony at http://www.annapolis.gov/testimony. This will be an in-person meeting.

Public Hearings

  • O-15-23 - Building Height and Elevation Limit - Exception for FEMA Flood Zones in Annapolis - For the purpose of exempting building construction in Federal Emergency Management Agency's AE flood zones including the Annapolis' City Dock area from certain elevation restrictions; setting exception criteria; and generally related to Planning and Zoning height measurement. This legislation seeks to comply with new FEMA rules regarding flood plain elevation related to buildings. Besides helping us with preventing flooding damage from sea level rise, this will also help us secure significant grant funding to help us re-build the City Dock area and prepare it for sea level rise.

Legislation being introduced on first reader

  • R-35-23This is a correction to our FY24 fine schedule to add fines related to our Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE) program.
  • R-39-23 - 2023 City of Annapolis Hazard Mitigation Plan - For the purpose of adopting the 2023 City of Annapolis Hazard Mitigation Plan, as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to maintain eligibility for disaster funding for large-scale emergencies and disasters, as well as mitigation grant funding.
  • R-40-23 - Director of Planning and Zoning - Christopher Jakubiak - For the purpose of expressly confirming the appointment of Christopher Jakubiak as the Director of Planning and Zoning for the City of Annapolis; and consenting to compensate the Director.

Legislation on second reader (i.e. final vote)

  • O-15-23 - Building Height and Elevation Limit - Exception for FEMA Flood Zones in Annapolis - For the purpose of exempting building construction in Federal Emergency Management Agency's AE flood zones including the Annapolis' City Dock area from certain elevation restrictions; setting exception criteria; and generally related to Planning and Zoning height measurement. This legislation seeks to comply with new FEMA rules regarding flood plain elevation related to buildings. Besides helping us with preventing flooding damage from sea level rise, this will also help us secure significant grant funding to help us re-build the City Dock area and prepare it for sea level rise. I am currently inclined to support passing this on second reader, but it will require a suspension of the rules to do so.
  • R-37-23 - March on Washington 60th Anniversary Commemoration Waiver - For the purpose of waiving City Code restrictions on Major Events at City Dock two weeks in a row and authorize the March on Washington 60th Anniversary Commemoration march and rally on August 26, 2023. I am inclined to support, pending any comments from you.

Community & Political updates

Press Release: Annapolis Art in Public Places Commission Seeks Artist Submission for Westgate Circle

Annapolis Temporary Mobility Plan to Wind Down Following the Reopening of Downtown Hillman Garage

Annapolis Maritime Museum – Tides & Tunes concert series


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  • Rob Savidge