About Rob

rob on stairs smiling

Rob has made Annapolis his home for over 15 years with his wife Becca and son Whit. He fell in love with the Chesapeake Bay while earning a degree in Environmental Studies (minor in Business Management) at Washington College on the Eastern Shore. His professional career started with the Chesapeake Bay Program, supporting the efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay. From there Rob worked for a number of years in private consulting as an Environmental Scientist, Ecological Restoration Scientist, and Sustainability Specialist, before starting his career with local government.

Rob was employed by the City of Annapolis, as a Sustainability Coordinator and Environmental compliance Inspector, where he reviewed development projects and authored the City's climate action plan. Rob currently works for Anne Arundel County as a Project Manager Engineer for stormwater management projects, managing a multi-million dollar budget. 


family boatingIn his free time, Rob enjoys hiking and boating with his family and working for positive change in the community.  He spends a significant amount of time organizing in the community to protect our quality of life on the Annapolis Neck Peninsula, fighting to ensure our environment is maintained, our traffic doesn't worsen, our schools don't become overcrowded, and our communities stay safe. He regularly attends City Council and commission hearings/meetings, advocating for the community.  He has also assisted with drafting legislation as both a City employee and as a citizen. Rob will bring his first-hand knowledge of local government to the City Council.




  • From the blog

    Council resumes Mon, Sept town hall

    Coming out of our August recess, the Council resumes Monday with a regular Council meeting. There are two pieces of legislation up for a public hearing, one is my Ordinance that would prohibit new drive-thrus, which emulates other jurisdictions and seeks to make our community safer for pedestrians and cyclists. This will also be the first meeting for our newest Council-member, Harry Huntley, who was appointed by the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee as Ward 1 Alderman, replacing Alderwoman Elly Tierney, who has moved out of the area.

    September Town hall meeting

    Alderman Arnett and I are holding a joint Ward7/8 town hall meeting on Thursday, September 12th, 7pm at the Eastport volunteer fire company, at 914 Bay Ridge Ave. I’ll send more on this later, but please mark your calendars.

    Stay healthy and stay safe,


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    Plastic bag ban, august recess

    At tomorrow’s Council meeting, we will be holding a public hearing on a new piece of legislation that would establish a Tenant Displacement Fund, to help relocate lower income residents when/if their units are deemed unfit for human habitation. Also, we have two new pieces of legislation being introduced: one would help us become a Bird City, and the other would move forward with condemning an old gas station site at West St & Monticello so that the city can acquire it and install hopefully a public park and some affordable housing.

    Also, we will be having a final vote on our Annapolis Plastic Bag Reduction Act, which mostly copies the County’s legislation at this point. And we will also be voting on a Resolution showing our support of the Eastport Choice Neighborhood Initiative Transformation Plan that would redevelop some older public housing as well as the old Spa Rd Public Works property into mixed use housing.

    Lastly, just a reminder that the Council will be in recess during the month of August, so I may be slower than normal in getting back to you.

    Stay healthy and stay safe,


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